[b]After landing in the Hangar Bay, the team exits Lego's ship.[/b]
Alright, I gotta go check run a systems check to see if we can even move.
It's been over a decade after all.
You guys feel free to explore.
Mess Hall is on the 2nd Deck.
Rooms and other social areas too.
1st Deck is the Comm Center, War Room, MedBay, and the Bridge.
The rooms still have stuff from when we last were on it, so Comm me before you enter one.
[b]I go off with my Scouters to the 1st Deck.[/b]
"Then what are you thinking about?"
"Out of all of the people to end up in my situation out of everyone in that blast I was the only one who survived"
"Everything happens for a reason."
"But why me?"
"You were meant live for a reason you must find out in your own."
"Those where my friends that died around me they died and I lived"
"I know that feeling but you have to live for them."
"Thats not as easy as you might think"
"It may not be but think about would your friends want you to die?"
[b]remains silent[/b]
"I'm sorry Ashley"
[b]remains silent[/b]
[b]He lays back and remains silent.[/b]
[b]she looks down[/b]
[b]He sits up and tries to comfort her.[/b]
[b]a solitary tear drop falls from her face[/b]
[b]He offers her a tissue.[/b] "I'm sorry"
[b]takes the tissue[/b]
[b]He gets her some water.[/b]
"Thank you"
[b]He nods[/b]
[b]remains silent[/b]
[b]So does he.[/b]
[b]hugs you[/b]
[b]He's thrown off guard but hugs her back[/b] "You ok Ash?"