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8/2/2015 10:47:28 PM

Dedicated servers

Let's just cut to the chase. In order for destiny to still be relevant in 10 years let alone 6 months they will need dedicated servers. I understand it won't fix everything but it's a great start.

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  • Edited by The Worm Keeper: 8/31/2015 10:30:31 PM
    Did you know...? [spoiler]That destiny doesn't actually have servers. It is almost all peer-to-peer gaming, meaning that it is actually people's consoles connecting rather than an actual server hosting the game. So when the servers are down, it's just a maintenance for the overall game rather than a server. This is why it's so hard for cheaters to be banned and why cheaters are so rampant. And theoretically your console could pick up viruses from other consoles using hacks. This is why you must be very careful of who you are playing with. It is peer-to-peer in PvE for sure, except there are no host migrations. It is also somewhat hybrid, as Bungie servers run AI and other things. When a game is started, the best connection is host. If that player does not leave, they will be host forever no matter how many better connections come and go. So if your friend has a terrible connection and they start a game alone, if you join them there will be no migration. PvE is very good at hiding lag, as all shots will still register. However if that host leaves, a new one will be selected on the fly. You'll know it was the host if they leave and it takes around 20s to say on the bottom that a player left your fireteam. If that player returns without an invite, sometimes it will bring the fireteam to orbit without anyone's consent.[/spoiler] [spoiler]and avoid she's my nerd cuz he reports everyone for no reason and has the temper of a lil bitch.[/spoiler]

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    3 Replies
    • Just add about 20 more dedicated server per city or 70 per province or state

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    • That would be crazy expensive. Imagine a server for you and that one mission. You would need 30 servers plus other activity for one person each. That's insane. That would cost more than the amount of what they made in the beginning.

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      12 Replies
      • They should give players the option to pay for their own servers, like Battlefield 4, and include a custom game option.

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      • This game will not ever have dedicated servers for Activision nor Bungie will ever pay for them. Dedi's do not fix everything nor are they ever the magic bullet to lag related issues like everyone likes to think and claim and believe all the time.

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        26 Replies
        • It'd be nice if at least they took advantage of the azure servers Microsoft offers but parity so -blam!- that idea I guess

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