The Taken King should be changed to The King of Taken your Money.
The DLC is overpriced at $40.
It is not worth $40...Activi$ we ALL well disgusting when it comes to scamming people.
Destiny is on its last leg with milking beyond belief since both Bungie and Activi$ion know that all the good games are coming out soon (SW Battlefront, Uncharted 4, Deus Ex, Doom, Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, Need for Speed 2015, etc.)
This [url][/url] is the King of Taken your 💰's theme song.
Reduce the price at whats truly worth ($20) or you WILL lose sales Bungie and Activi$on........
And here I thought people had gotten over making these stupid farking posts....
With all the content in it Its practically a new game, not dlc. Let's just be glad it's not $60 dollars because of that fact
After seeing the last two dlc. I'm not getting it. Not because they were bad (crotas end too short but HoW was fun) It the fact that half of the stuff that were in the dlc were available to everyone. All the weapon, area, even the light level. The only thing the dlc did was basically made it so it faster to get the weapon/armour.
I'm still going to get it for my ps4 as well as xbox 1 wanna know why? I enjoy this game. And I also think it will be worth the 40 dollars.
Truth is this thread is late and no1 will listen to you many many many have pre ordered and not sure you can change their minds
You clearly have lots of experience[spoiler]lvl 33, lol.[/spoiler]
Money has been tight at my place since my gf had a major surgery in June. Know what? I can still scrape $40 together to get something I believe will entertain us for a while. Know what else? None of these threads have swayed my decision in the least.
Lvv 28 and 33 lol, did mommy finally buy the game for you and u cant afford ttk? Its not gonna be failure as u cant judge something that hasnt come out yet.
Apparently it's overpriced. I'm buying it.
Edited by VindictiveHawk: 8/8/2015 4:24:41 AMAn IMAX ticket is 30$ so fvck youuuuuu
Edited by Alex_Supertramp1: 8/7/2015 9:55:00 PMI don't care about the price. That's chump change. What I care about is will the content be up to snuff. You make a great point. Next gen is finally starting to get rolling and once it does there will be a lot more options. Destiny was extremely popular at a time when there weren't very many options on next gen. They need to stop focusing on superficial changes like vendors and weapon balnace and start pushing out some real content. TTK looks awesome and finally a new explorable area, but honestly they should have been adding areas to the game already. They should put out something the size of TTK every 3 months. People would be "throwing money at the screen." I don't give a shit about your emoticons, give me continual content. TTK looks great, but it's not gonna last 6 months. They better have some real follow up planned this year.
I wonder if people would complain this much if this expansion came out on disk? I think pepole hear the word dlc and they think a small amount of cheap content.
This is post 54 about this.
It's almost a full game... I would pay $60
Bad troll is bad..Seriously people are falling for this b8.
I'd pay $60 just to piss off OP
Dude if you're stressing over $40 you need to stop crying on Internet forums and go get your ass a job.
I'm rich so idc
So much pathetic low IQ trash addicted to this "game".....
Edited by LDSG BossMan: 8/9/2015 2:03:10 PMSo much disagreement with your thread...
Guys, OP just can't afford it, so he wants them to cut the price in half
Mgs5 coming out before ttk so I have no reason to buy it
I've grinded to the point i started hating this game,so i went back to titanfall and wtf all dlcs are free -blam!- activision and bunghole.The trailer for TTK looks impressive but so did TDB and HOW.Im going to sit this out till after TTK is out get some real feedback on if i should buy TTK.
Ppl where buying the DLC before any previews where released so ones they met their sell$ quota they would decided what to keep or take out for the next DLC. that's why i never pre-ord anything. I went from hard copy to digital copy that way i just buy the game on rerelease.
I get your point man but i know people who spend $50+ on map packs and skins. We are getting content i advise wait to the reveal on twitch to make you call