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originally posted in:Mr Fruits Fruit Salad
8/2/2015 2:46:51 PM

What fruit are you find out

I'm a pineapple what are you? Apple Peach Blueberry Blackberry Raspberry Strawberry Grape Kiwi Plum Pomegranate Melon Dragon fruit Mango Tomato Guava Passion fruit Nectarine Tangerieans Banana Water melon I can't tell you what fruit you are but you can look at the chacterisics each one and see if it fits you for example I'm a pineapple because I'm hard and prickly on the out side but when you get to know me I'm soft and juicy. But if you are a vegetable turn of your phone/PC/computer/tablet and look down at your self in sadness . Love you and what you do Mr fruit and dream team you always make me laugh.

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