Just curious :P Mines probably the new monarchy shader, Praetorian Foil, the conduit the original fwc pulse rifle, the beta and founder emblems, the GameStop sparrow, and finally the focused light from the red bull codes :P
EDIT: Let's bring the forum back to life :) Taking King has been out for a little over a month now so what is some new loot you guys have got?? Let me know down below! For me it's probably a fusion rifle with 2x knee pads (didn't know that was possible), the debt unpaid from the cryptarch, and the raid handcannon and sniper with firefly :)
Praetorian Foil
What is focused light? And you get it from red bull codes? (Is it the double XP?)
I don't know
Probably the original Iron Banner armor, The Queens Guard mask and supremacy. I've also got the warlock queens robe. Praetorian foil.
Cloak of the sixth reign (hunter cloak from the first queens wrath event), as well as the queens vest. Sadly i dismantled the helm and sniper
Queens supremacy sniper rifle
The swarm machine gun. Haven't seen many of them lately!
The Fermi Solution.
New Monarchy Ship - Invisible Hand On my Hunter
I could say jackolytes and flight of shadows, or Praetorian foil and necrochasm, or even bring up my vanilla gear and weapons and queen's guard items... But it's none of those. It's my commendations.
Zombie apocalypse
Probably my DO shaders: revenant and bittersteel x2, and my FWC shader buy i dont know what thats called
Mark of the queen's guard from first queens wrath
The original Queens Supremacy - arc The Shadow Price, very good roll.
The tears of guardians. [spoiler]I am hoping that bungie makes this a gun. I would never let it go.[/spoiler] - [i][b]" Your Tears sustain my business. " [ [/b][/i]
Argus deimatic helmet and gauntlets
Blacksmith. Which I can't use. Cause it's console locked.
Picking just one I'd probably have to say Blacksmith shader
My emblem
Red Bull code,all DEAD Orbit shaders and blacksmith
The ship on my titan
Queen ship
Pathfinder, and the inner chamber emblems.