Just curious :P Mines probably the new monarchy shader, Praetorian Foil, the conduit the original fwc pulse rifle, the beta and founder emblems, the GameStop sparrow, and finally the focused light from the red bull codes :P
EDIT: Let's bring the forum back to life :) Taking King has been out for a little over a month now so what is some new loot you guys have got?? Let me know down below! For me it's probably a fusion rifle with 2x knee pads (didn't know that was possible), the debt unpaid from the cryptarch, and the raid handcannon and sniper with firefly :)
the Queen's wrath helmet, chest piece, the supremacy w/final round and the jackolyte
Probably my foil, and what is this gamestop sparrow everyone is talking about??
Definitely Lord High Fixer
Chasing infinity
NM shader and my Crusader NM scout on my Titan. FWC scarf on my Hunter. Exodus chest on my Warlock.
Necrochasm. Hardly see anyone with it though I understand
My blue engrams the rarest in the game.
Pratoerian Foil & The hopscotch pilgrim
Thunderlord. Doesn't seem like anyone has it. Which is impossible because xur sold it. Maybe my speaker cloaks now that I think about it I have every one but the pink one.
Praetorians foil
GameStop Sparrow, Beta and Founder Emblems, "The Inner Chamber" Emblem, and my Khovostov is the very first Khovostov I received on Day One with my Warlock... I think that's it the [i]absolute[/i] rarest.
Probably Grim Citizen III which I'm guessing isn't really that rare.
The Supremacy
My Nepal shader and emblem
Things I use I never see: Arctic Proxy The Devil You Know No Back Ups Plans (noodle arms) Super Good Advice (though I'm sure this is just in everyone's vault)
The ship on my warlock.
The calming? Fwc fusion rifle
God of War...
The prudence II Amalthea
High road soldier. It seems like no one really has it
Self bump :)
My vanilla legendary armor and cloaks