Currently the perk is exotic tier; however, the nerf is too much. Honestly, I think a fair nerf would be to when white nail successfully activates, it takes one bullet from reserve to fill the mag. This way you can't keep shooting forever, but the perk isn't useless
I would like this
It's not useless with the nerf... It still shoots like 19-21 shots, no other sniper can do that.
Couldn't have put it better
I like this idea. If they go forward with the original nerf I suggest changing mulligan to shoot to loot
Shoot to loot or triple tap
I very much agree with this.
I'd rather see it more like bad juju as in you get bonus damage for the next mag
I could easily live with this. 3 round fill for 1 reserve sounds like a good nerf and a fair nerf.