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Edited by Titan: 8/1/2015 4:14:21 PM
In [b]Borderlands 2[/b] you can have infinite ammo and it's not a problem that breaks the game. Bungie can't balance or manage it because they use ammo as a limited currency. Major design fail, add it to the list.

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  • Borderlands doesn't take itself seriously, hardly ever.

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  • Because the gun with infinite ammo can't stunlock a boss trivializing the fight

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  • Infinite ammo? You mean the infinity? One of the [i][b]lowest damage pistols[/b][/i] in the game? The Black Hammer is broken.

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  • Infinity is great. As zer0 you can improve the damage of the last round of a pistols by up to 100%. This effects every round from pocket infinity. With the bee shield, it's quite powerful.

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  • Edited by samwenchester: 8/10/2015 10:15:27 PM
    Yes but combined with the bee sheild it's one of the most op weapons in the game. But still his point makes no sense

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  • No, I mean the Gunzerker class who can regenerate an unlimited ammo supply or buff teammates - and you misunderstood my meaning entirely.

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  • Edited by NegativeZer0 FX: 8/2/2015 1:10:50 PM
    If your point is that the Gunzerker doesn't break BL2, then you're wrong. Ammo [i][b]should[/b][/i] be a limited resource, if we had unlimited rockets, what would the point of anything be?

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  • Except it does sort of make the game boring. The infinity pistol with relics that increase pistol fire rate and damage are so boring.

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  • Yo soooo many butthurt idiots here on your thread that cant seem to jump of bungies immense cock. Keep riding that shit plebs!

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  • Not at all......just because something works in one game does not mean it would universally work in every game.

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  • Yo so much of this. Running out of ammo in pve is fücking dumb. Especially when you just have one final boss and no additional enemies spawn. Oh, but if you just camp for like 3 mins your ammo gets filled back up. Rinse nd repeat. Shit dont make no sense at all. Makes game content even more boring repetitive and tedious

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  • Edited by NAMUH38: 8/1/2015 5:37:20 PM
    ...because ammo should be limited. it's called immersion. edit: after I posted this I realized how infinite ammo fits into borderlands. everything is just digitally constructed from nothing. in destiny real things are made into data for storage. immersion

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  • How is limiting ammo immersion? This game has space magic and shit. And you automatically get more ammo if you just stand still for a while.

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  • it's one part of immersion, not all there is to it. as for standing around to refill ammo, I'd imagine they put that in so ppl wouldn't get stuck in a spot with no more ammo left and no way to continue. I'd prefer if they did away with that feature tho

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  • Still doesnt explain how limiting ammo = immersive gameplay. This aint spliter cell or metal gear solid.

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  • cause ammo runs out in every realistic setting. even with theoretical weapons like lasers. it's power source will run dry. infinite doesn't exist in anything

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  • So your argument is that it adds realism to the game?! Bahahahaha wow space magic and time travel and ammo auto fills if you stand around plz tell me more about this immersion

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  • So because of space magic every quality of the game has to be utterly unrealistic? Having a limited ammo supply adds a level of strategy to the game. That way you can't sit back with rockets or a sniper and have the game be too easy. With the necessity of having to ensure you have reserve ammo it means you have to be more efficient while you shoot. Can you understand how having an unlimited ammo supply would make the game too easy? (I know it's not that difficult already)

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  • Lol you just basically described the strategy for every boss in the game. Load up on heavy, burn da boss, hide until you have heavy synth ready again. Rinse repeat, rinse repeat for every damn boss.

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  • Or you can go in, kill adds, collect heavy then shoot the boss. Rinse repeat. Takes much less time and is slightly more enjoyable given the tediousness of strike bosses

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  • ok you're just becoming annoying now. part of immersion is having relatable things to pull ppl into its world. you keep using the "space magic" point, bring a lighter to medieval times and see if they call that magic. yes? but do we? no, because we understand how it works

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  • Dumbass they already had fire in medieval times. Maybe if you brought an iphone it would count. Im just trying to say your argument is moot. In a fantasy game such as destiny lack of ammo does anything but immerse you in the game. Quite to the contrary its a distraction. Whats immersive is the gameplay and beautiful hd graphics.

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  • why is there ALWAYS a toxic prick like you patrolling these forums whose only real goal in life is to belittle other ppl? yea, they had fire. but did they have butane? and plastic? and the means to make all the little metal parts to make contact with the flint and spark that fire? no they didn't. making a fire took effort back then, not the snap of a finger. bringing an iPhone back would mean nothing cause you'd have a useless piece of aluminum and glass since there was no power or networks to connect to. yes gameplay and graphics help with immersion, and during gameplay you have to reload a gun using ammunition from a finite pool. get your head out of your ass and read everything and use your brain to respond please

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  • The butthurt is strong. Just because i dont agree with your limited scope argument for ammo limits adding to the immersion of the game does not make me toxic. Plz remove pineapple from your colon before posting. They had flint and shit in medieval times breh. A lighter would be laughed at. An iphone with magical moving pictures and sound would be considered witchcraft and get you burned at the stake. Y u so salty bro? Saltimus prime up in here. Ya saltier than all da oceans.

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  • you're allowed to disagree all you want, doesn't make you right nor does it give you the right to bring your point up in the tone you did. you've yet to even present any argument besides how wrong my opinion is. thought debates were taught to kids at an early age nowadays

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