I post because I want Bungie to look at our feedback and change Destiny for the better.
[spoiler]Also it's borderline torture waiting for poe 32/34.[/spoiler]
I post because I'm either... Pooping Bored beyond reason Enjoy the saltiness of tears Or Have a valid point in which I wish to express to a public forum in a logical, professional manner. [spoiler]LOL! That last one never happens.[/spoiler]
Because i want to share out my archive of ideas with the community and to be noticed by devs. at least bungie took notice of my subclass page
Allows my to troll while at work :D
In most cases it would be for the devs to improve the game. In destiny's case, its more to pass time and for entertainment, cuz we all know bungie doesnt rly do shit or give a shit about our opinions This forum is 99% us talking amongst ourselves The other 1% is cozmo asking for feedback on map rotation and then bungie completely ignoring the results. Fukking useless scrubs ALL OF THEM
Cause I'm REALLY bored sometimes.
I do it in between crucible matches or when waiting on people