Even if he were gay and were enjoying it, do you really want your tool hanging out in the middle of a battlefield?
If I'm a girl is it less dangerous?
Do you have junk to dangle in peoples' mouths if you are a girl?
When a girl is t bagging, doesn't the t just stand for taco?
Doesn't it depend on the girl? Do you like it when I t-bag you?
What else would the "t" on a girl stand for? Wouldn't you enjoy being t bagged if you knew you would get revenge?
Why don't you tell me? Do you enjoy my revenge on you?
Couldn't the t also stand for Texas? Couldn't I just be Texas bagging?
Is there a special art to Texas bagging?
Have you ever seen a professional bull rider! ;)
Are you being suggestive?
Can a girl [b]not[/b] be suggestive?
Can't she?
Would you like me to turn [i]off[/i] my suggestiveness?
Why on Earth would I want a girl to do that?
Well are you gay?
Am I even in the slightest? Can you not tell that I'm not?
Wouldn't it be easier for you to tell me?
Would you believe me if I told you I'm NOT?
What's my motive?
Why don't you tell me so I know how to proceed?
So what happens now that I believe you're straight?
Weren't you supposed to tell me?
Didn't I just infer that?
Then why didn't you tell me?
Are you sure you didn't just misunderstand me?