I know we've had a plethora of posts in relation to sexism in light of what happened with the Dames; however, I stumbled across these videos in which I believe all male gamers should view (No, I'm not Rick Rolling). It's a hilarious, yet very insightful presentation on sexism in gaming, and how and why it occurs.
Plus dude is awesome... I can't stop watch his vids.
Take a look when you get a chance.
Fake Nerd Girls - https://youtu.be/VZzFC0_HeO4?t=1m27s
Anita Sarkeesian; The Monster Gamers Created - https://youtu.be/8MxANWWhpMs?t=54s
The Creepy Cull of Female Protagonists - https://youtu.be/7wnTunPrQJo?t=40s
Pretty amusing.