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Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 1:34:21 AM
Yup, it makes the game easier and practically makes missions that are supposed to feel like end game content be easy, it shouldn't have been in the game in the first place tbh. The only reason you are butthurt, is because you want an easy ride, most people prefer to actually be challenged.

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  • So then most people can use other weapons. Don't really care, just saying there was nothing dictation how you had to play. You can run green auto rifles through your raid or PoE if you wanted.

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  • I think there nerfing blackhammer because they want people to actually learn the new mechanics in TTK instead of burning through the bosses. [spoiler] I want a conversation not a argument[/spoiler]

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  • That's fine. The argument above was because I responded to his contradiction and he went off the handle. No arguments here for those not blinded by stupidity :)

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  • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 12:18:25 AM
    The point is that bungie doesn't want their game to be easy, why the -blam!- would they want you to complete something they designed for end-game to be completed in a few minutes? They wouldn't. As I said you are just butthurt because you want an easy way out, if you don't like it go play another game, done.

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  • Edited by NiteHawk107: 7/31/2015 12:30:24 AM
    I tend to avoid speaking with retards but what the hell... 1. You're making assumptions about someone you know nothing about... You're a moron. 2. I can count one 1 hand the number of instance I'll use black hammer. So I don't really give a shit. My point is, if people wanted challenge, like you claim, there is nothing... I repeat, NOTHING preventing them from changing up they're gear for more challenge. 3. If Bungie wanted you to be challenged, they should make challenging content and fix the content they have out. You wanna put arc burn with brawler and release Peregrine Greaves, expect everything to be one hit. That's common sense. 4. If you didn't understand any of the above, you're a butt hurt imbecile who makes assumptions with knowing shit and should shut the hell up because you're what's wrong with humanity. I enjoy this game and beat everything legit. So I'll play if I damn well please, dumbass.

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  • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 12:51:07 AM
    Lol you're so salty, as I have said many times, I don't know if you will get this as you don't even seem to be able to make sentences coherently (calling someone a retard and a dumbass and then stating that they are a moron for making assumptions about someone is funny as hell) but here goes. The only reason a nerf like this will annoy you, literally the only reason is because you like to take advantage of what it is nerfing against, that could be anything from black hammer's infinite ammo to the last words headshot glitch. If you truly have a problem with how bungie likes to fix their game then fell free to play something else, or if you would prefer to use your brain, think about the changes in an unbiased manner and come back. If you must stick to being so bias then please gtfo. Btw how the -blam!- can I be butt hurt, I think you need to re-evaluate who is truly the stupid one in this conversation.

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  • Edited by NiteHawk107: 7/31/2015 1:00:02 AM
    They are coherent. You're just stupid. My original post just said people can play with anything they want and that I personally don't care about the nerf. But then you claimed I was butt hurt about a nerf I said I didn't care about. So, you're either illiterate or a moron; take your pick. Oh and not to mention, your original comment said most people want an easy ride and that most people want a challenge. That sounds like questionable intelligence to me.

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  • Ahahahahahahahaha Again you cannot make a coherent statement, and if you think the statement you made last time was coherent then you should go look that word up in the dictionary. As for illiterate, I think you have that the wrong way round, your op does not say you do not care about the nerf, what it says is you don't care that someone uses a different weapon other then black hammer, go back and re-read it, or are you illiterate? [quote]So then most people can use other weapons. Don't really care, just saying there was nothing dictation how you had to play. You can run green auto rifles through your raid or PoE if you wanted.[/quote]

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  • Edited by NiteHawk107: 7/31/2015 1:07:38 AM
    Oh sorry I need everything specified. I figured a fellow human had the intellectual capacity to understand that in talking about a nerf, saying "Don't care" and that you can use anything meant it didn't matter because you can use anything. But fair enough. I'll make sure to specify everything from now on, for those lacking basic logic skills.

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  • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 1:20:04 AM
    Lol just lol you really are illiterate, so calling other people stupid must be your way for coping right? I'm so sorry to hear that, hope you get a brain soon. For when you do here's something to read: No you don't need to specify you actually have to make a complete sentence if that is what you are saying, do you know how to make sentences? Stating use any weapon then. I don't care. States you do not care if someone uses a different weapon, not that you don't care about the nerf, but you are illiterate so I'll let that one slip. Next up: even if you "don't care" you blatantly do otherwise you wouldn't be commenting. Or are you a psycho that likes to spurt bullshit in forums? And finally, you still don't understand what coherent means do you, I know you are illiterate but I did tell you to go look that word up three comments ago, I would have thought you'd have done it by now. You should go back a few comments to learn why you were not coherent. Honestly I don't even think you understand what you are talking about.

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  • It's the Internet. I can write "u" in place of "you". It doesn't matter. Me saying anything is usable shows the point I was making. I don't care. It's irrelevant. You e also yet to explain how "most people" are butt hurt while "most people" prefer a challenge. An intellectually competent person would see that if most people wanted a challenge they could do so by not using such weapons. Do you think gally-burning a boss isn't a challenge? Then don't use one. Use a green auto rifle on the Nightfall. Use only melee. That went over your head so I'll keep dumbing it down. My comment respond to your claim that most people prefer a challenge. If that was true there's no need to nerf anything because anything OP wouldn't be used because it takes away the challenge. Once again you've proven to be a moron.

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  • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 1:33:30 AM
    Lol you are so -blam!-ing butt hurt its unreal. Go ahead a read back i have already made enough statements to call this a day (bungie wants to make the game a challenge and are doing so with this nerf- as I said on reply 1, but we did already figure out that you are illiterate so I expect that you couldn't read that), enjoy calling people stupid for the rest of your life whilst you fail to figure out how truly stupid you are ahaha.

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  • Edited by NiteHawk107: 7/31/2015 1:39:10 AM
    Lol you've only shown you're a moron. You made a claim. I called it out. You proceeded to go all over the place without responding to the actual claim. Now you continue to say someone who doesn't care is butt hurt. Why did I comment? I enjoy showing dumbasses how stupid they are. It's an after work hobby while waiting to load into games. Go read your original comment that that started this. See how your comment is contradicting itself. Realize my response makes sense. After all that, you can comment again to show you're too prideful or stupid to realize you're wrong, or you can not comment and we'll leave it at that.

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  • 1. Black Hammer has bad scopes. Not good aim assist - zoom ratio. 2. Middle tree isn't good. To Nerf it, they could just remove perfect balance. 3. Please give me a situation where mulligan is useful? 4. All bosses are giant non moving AI with huge crit spots. If Bungie actually got creative and made a boss NOT like that, then Black Hammer wouldn't have needed nerfed. 5. Lastly, Other snipers can roll surplus, which fills a whole reserve in two ammo drops. Also, high impact low rate of fire snipers can get outlaw, flared magwell, and have Special reload gloves. That puts it above BlackHammer when it gets nerfed.

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  • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 12:17:31 AM
    Why the -blam!- are you mentioning perks lol, it's about the infinite ammo you dunce, which is op to -blam!- and it's about time bungie killed it. At the end of the day the only people whining about this are the ones who are terrible at the game and want it to be easy, that's literally the only reason a nerf like this would annoy you, so all I can say is: get good.

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  • I don't know how you can say that something that requires 3 fast precision hits is for bad players...

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  • Because the bad players are whining that they can't get infinitive ammo anymore, which is for bad players, and let's face it, it's not exactly hard to get 3 precision hits lol.

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  • [quote] and let's face it, it's not exactly hard to get 3 precision hits lol.[/quote] >guy with 35ish percent of precision kills woth snipers.

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  • Are you really saying that it is hard to hit 3 precision hits on a boss? You must be really bad at the game if you think that, yeah I have 35% but most of that is due to pvp, in pve it's really not hard to hit precision shots.

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  • When you're being shot by the boss and minions on an event with any burn it can be though.

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  • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 7/31/2015 2:03:37 AM
    Sure it can be, but generally it's not that difficult, especially against walkers, any boss with a big head and sepiks, which are the three main reasons black hammer has got a nerf. If you think that a lot of the bosses in the taken king will be big knights, or ogres with huge crit spots, then you will notice that black hammer might be a problem for bungie, and that's why they have decided to nerf it. It makes the time they have taken to make a hard task worthless, you gotta realise that they don't want you to walk through the tasks that they have set like they are easy, that want you to be challenged, and ultimately to enjoy their game because of it.

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  • Well, bungie makes cheap boss fights with no mechanics and tries to fix it by nerfing stuff...

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  • Pretty much, but that's just how it is at the moment, they can't really change what they have already done, hopefully things get better with the taken king at the moment.

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  • I hope.

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  • The reason I'm bringing up perks is because White Nail is the only saving grace that makes black hammer a good weapon. It puts it a step above the rest, and makes it different then every other weapon, it's a raid weapon.

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