I don't agree with discrimination of all kinds but I do think that when It comes up it should be pointed out. If you don't like the spotlighting don't read it. Me and my girlfriend play video games all the time as well, currently we are going through doom 3 on Xbox. I'm not trying to start a little white knight show I just dislike discrimination
Right an if you read my post you would notice I said all, including dames of destiny excluding men based on them being men. And I hold this mentality for all discrimination. And all people or groups of people. You Attack a well meaning post. Which was don't spotlight a sexist group. Spotlight everyone. Male, female, white, black. It doesn't matter everyone deserves safe and fun for games. Obviously this is a problem and spotlighting a group that excludes men based on sex is not the way to go.
If I saw a post going on about discrimination against anything I would post about it. Now there was a specific problem where horrible things where said. Why shouldn't this be spotlighted?