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7/30/2015 8:19:50 PM

An Open Letter to the Dames of Destiny: I Am Sorry.

Dear Dames of Destiny, While I do not normally watch the Destiny Bungie Bounty streams, it recently came to my attention through the My name is Byf video (which I have included in this post for anyone who happens to be curious), that your part in the Bungie Bounty was met with almost constant sexist and discriminatory remarks. Normally, I don't make threads of my own, only reserving that sort of thing for what I consider important, and this is the third thread I've made on the Bungie forums, period. As such, I feel a few things need to be said. First, to the Destiny Community: It comes as no surprise to me that there is still a hateful attitude towards women in gaming, but what [i]did[/i] come as a shock was the fact that people were willing to show that hate and discrimination so publicly, without any apparent shame for it. I realize that the Internet and Online Gaming, in and of themselves, promote anonymity, and in turn that gives people the power to say whatever it is they wish. That power is often coupled with complete irresponsibility and total unaccountability. That is no excuse, and is unacceptable. The fact that I have to type this in the first place disappoints and sickens me, but I suppose it has to be reiterated: In a video game, the gender of the player [u]does not matter.[/u] It should [u]never[/u] matter. Neither should race or place of birth. Discrimination as a whole is wrong, and should never be promoted. As such, anyone who sees what happened to the Dames of Destiny, and approves? You are not a part of [i]my[/i] Destiny Community, and I want nothing to do with you. If I seem like I'm parroting Byf's video and the points he happens to be making, it's simply because the point deserves to be hammered home. Second, to the Dames of Destiny themselves: For those of you who read this, and I sincerely hope you do, I want to say on behalf of my part of the Destiny Community that I am truly sorry that you had to see, experience, and have to endure that kind of utter bullshit. And I am sorry that over the past decade, it hasn't seemed to have gotten noticeably better. I hope that from this point forward, you have to deal with less and less discriminating assholes while you play online, regardless of whether or not it happens to be Destiny. And I hope that, despite everything that happened during the Bungie Bounty stream, it does not deter you from staying strong as a part of this community. [i]Sincerely, Texas Joker 52, esq.[/i]

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  • Great post. Thank you for taking the time to properly represent our community.

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  • It was a stormy day in may, i was playing the level 35 prison of elders and we were fighting Skolas, this was our last attempt... We had exhausted all our heavy ammo synthesis in the previous rounds and and were making one last daring attempt. We had Skolas down to 50% health when i heard a loud thunder strike outside. "NO!" i screamed but it was too late the red and grey bar had appeared at the bottom of my screen. "Attempting to reconnect." It read. [b]"Get gud scrub"[/b] It thundered all around me, outside and inside the game. Lighting flashed all around my house blinding me, when i regained my vision this is what i saw: "SmoggyPluto has joined your fireteam." I frantically checked my screen and sure enough he was there in our fireteam, 4 in our fireteam... He spawned in with a monstrous roar that turned to a low chuckle... [b]"not today."[/b] he said. He ran to my unmoving gl itching form; my teammates screaming overwhelmed with adds. He spawned a bubble that gave us both weapons and blessing of light. I was astounded but knew that i would not last long enough... I was going to disconnect... When suddenly SmoggyPluto reached through my screen and grabbed the disconnect bar... I couldn't believe what was happening. He grabbed the bar as if it was a stick, pulled it off my screen and loaded it into his Gjallarhorn, He then jumped into the sky, a quartic jump, 5 JUMPS, he got so high he absorbed the sun and then in one swoop shot the disconnect bar into Skolas tearing him apart into nothing. The wolfpack rounds then proceed to swarm and destroy the mines we were supposed to [i]dismantle[/i] He stayed with us all the way to the treasure room but did not speak. Finally he urinated on the large chest and turned to us and said [b]"become legend gaurdian."[/b] [i]SmoggyPluto has left your fireteam[/i]. speechless me and my fireteam all opened the pee-stained chest... We all received 3 Gjallarhorns... One void, one arc, and one solar, all already fully maxed

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    13 Replies
    • Why are you apologizing? Did you make sexiest remarks? If not, don't apologize for the actions of others. You can condemn them, but apologizing for them is ridiculous. Anyone who was targeted should know the actions of a few don't speak for the majority, and an apology from the innocent unnecessary. Speaking out against discrimination is what's needed, and I applaud you doing that, but don't carry the burden of guilt because some people are assholes.

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      1 Reply
      • Wish You Luck didn't make any sexist remark against anyone. He didn't start the sexist remarks against the Dames. They were getting it long before the Bungie Bounty. What Wish did was to troll Deej. Deej is awesome and sometimes we want to mess around with awesome people. Wish just took it one step further. Watch this vid That video I linked is proof that Wish You Luck made no sexist remark towards anyone. Wish and one of the Dames are friends and he would never do that. He has a daughter and Wifey. So that settles it. BYF put misleading information into his video and I'm only guessing manipulated his viewers. That is just disgusting what BYF did. He lied straight to his subs and put Wish to blame. The sexist remarks were the community. The "DEEJ SUCK MY BALLS" was Wish and Wish alone. Two completely different things. There are trolls that will still try to roast Wish but the Truth lies in the video. Thank you.

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      • I thought women wanted equality? P.s. I do not apologize

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      • tl;dr

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      • Edited by Sn!pE: 7/31/2015 1:22:37 PM
        My problem with this; you are apologising on behalf of the entire destiny community? This was not the community it was an immature few not 99.9% of us so please don't generalise it like we are all sexists.

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        3 Replies
        • I agree leave the kitchen squad alone you sexist assholes

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        • All in all good video and good points. How did you get to play the new stuff already? Lol

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        • I don't think these kind of threads help. For a couple reasons. 1. If you didn't spout verbal diarrhea at them during the stream then you have nothing to apologize for. Stop pretending like you're one of the precious few "good men" in a sea of evil misogynists. 2. This was the fault of a small number of immature attention seeking people, who you are now giving more attention to, and incentivizing them to continue.

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          18 Replies
          • All people are equal.

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            2 Replies
            • I wasn't in the stream but holy shit! Did it really get that bad? Why did people even say?

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              • Edited by AirtightEarth17: 7/31/2015 12:56:07 PM
                You know my wife used to play Destiny with me bit one day while I was a away she had a bad experience with a rude raid team and it completely killed her desire to play anymore. And it sucked because I wanted us to have a game we could play together. So I feel ya.

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              • OP to the rescue.....

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                • Edited by munkt0r: 7/31/2015 12:50:05 PM
                  People take all this stuff so very seriously. So let me attempt to give a bit of perspective. This is a place where saying, "Bye Felicia" and "Git Gud Scrub" is common. Trolling and general rude attitude is the norm. The internet has always been this way, nothing new. "Girl on the internet!?!?" has been commentary, meme, and all around joke since the dawn of forums and internet gaming. Now, we can discuss the merit of a joke being good/bad/tasteless/etc...but we should try and remember, most of what you read and see on the internet as it relates to gaming (gaming forums) is likely a bad immature joke meant to get a rise out of people for shock value and "lulz sake". Good job, you let another troll win by getting your goose =)

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                • how is homophobia discriminating? i might be dumb,but isnt a phobia a Kind of fear,thus homophobia=fear of humans?i might be wrong on this,so feel free to correct me

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                  2 Replies
                  • Man or Woman, we are all Human

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                  • Well said buddy. It all comes down to immaturity, I guess some people just don't get it. It's a shame really. I was brought up not dragged up so I know to respect others regardless of sex and creed etc so this to me does not sit right. I haven't seen the stream yet but will try to check it out. I heard that Deej and the Dames left early, is this the reason why? If so then good on them, no one needs to put up with that.

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                  • Yes ladies I'm sorry to. Wishuluckk is not a reflection of this community. He is an unprofessional and truly unworthy of the partnership twitch has shared with him. I do not agree with Bungie allowing him to continue to make money off their game. Bungie please step up a make an example of this guy.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Strength and Honor, brothers and sisters of the lance. I don't care about your gender. I only care about whether or not you are ready to face what is on the horizon. Oryx is coming. Keep your light safe.

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                    • Do you apologise for every racist, sexism, homophobic act, innocent people that are killed, injured, offended? If the answer is no, then why the hell apologise for another random idiot's behaviour? Don't say it's because destiny is a community, because so is your town, you're a member of the human race so if you're going to apologise for one stupid thing, you'd better apologise for everything harmful ever done by humans.

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                      2 Replies
                      • If the group name was black dudes of destiny no one will care But now.. they are girls so everyone runs to save them

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                      • meh, liberals, who cares its a game

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                      • Caitlin that you?

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                      • Why are you apologizing if you've taken no action in what happened?

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