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7/30/2015 8:19:50 PM

An Open Letter to the Dames of Destiny: I Am Sorry.

Dear Dames of Destiny, While I do not normally watch the Destiny Bungie Bounty streams, it recently came to my attention through the My name is Byf video (which I have included in this post for anyone who happens to be curious), that your part in the Bungie Bounty was met with almost constant sexist and discriminatory remarks. Normally, I don't make threads of my own, only reserving that sort of thing for what I consider important, and this is the third thread I've made on the Bungie forums, period. As such, I feel a few things need to be said. First, to the Destiny Community: It comes as no surprise to me that there is still a hateful attitude towards women in gaming, but what [i]did[/i] come as a shock was the fact that people were willing to show that hate and discrimination so publicly, without any apparent shame for it. I realize that the Internet and Online Gaming, in and of themselves, promote anonymity, and in turn that gives people the power to say whatever it is they wish. That power is often coupled with complete irresponsibility and total unaccountability. That is no excuse, and is unacceptable. The fact that I have to type this in the first place disappoints and sickens me, but I suppose it has to be reiterated: In a video game, the gender of the player [u]does not matter.[/u] It should [u]never[/u] matter. Neither should race or place of birth. Discrimination as a whole is wrong, and should never be promoted. As such, anyone who sees what happened to the Dames of Destiny, and approves? You are not a part of [i]my[/i] Destiny Community, and I want nothing to do with you. If I seem like I'm parroting Byf's video and the points he happens to be making, it's simply because the point deserves to be hammered home. Second, to the Dames of Destiny themselves: For those of you who read this, and I sincerely hope you do, I want to say on behalf of my part of the Destiny Community that I am truly sorry that you had to see, experience, and have to endure that kind of utter bullshit. And I am sorry that over the past decade, it hasn't seemed to have gotten noticeably better. I hope that from this point forward, you have to deal with less and less discriminating assholes while you play online, regardless of whether or not it happens to be Destiny. And I hope that, despite everything that happened during the Bungie Bounty stream, it does not deter you from staying strong as a part of this community. [i]Sincerely, Texas Joker 52, esq.[/i]

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  • There will always be people out there that'll go out of their way to belittle someone for no reason at all. They aren't sexist, they're assholes. They are the type of people that just shoot rude comments about anyone. All they need is to know the tiniest thing about you, like you're a girl, or you aren't their race, or you're younger, or you're older, and they'll use that to be rude and hateful. Yes, I am sorry that such people caused up such a ruckus and hurt their feelings, but they aren't the only ones they target. You just have to suck it up, laugh in their face, and play the game. No matter what you do or say to them they won't stop. Let them post stupid YouTube videos. Let them think they're hardcore. Just ignore them. Those of you who don't belittle people and aren't hateful, you know you're thousands of times better than them. You don't need to try to prove it by giving them attention. Just ignore them and you'll have so much more fun.

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  • Hear hear. I'm ashamed that this happened.

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  • People are surprised and shocked that there are assholes playing this game? Oh my

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    • GENTLE MEN! Grab your lances, a white knight approaches the horizon.

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    • -blam!-ing white knights, there's a reason why u are either friend zoned or ur lady friends -blam!- u in the ass. Women don't want ur -blam!-ing pity u goddamn lame excuse for a male.

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      13 Replies
      • Who cares ? :/ you change those people with words so don't waste your breath

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      • Bungie bounty? Is it a literal bounty? I have no idea what any of this is.

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      • All of you white knights need to go back to reddit.

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      • The wishmeluck guy said it to Deej, not the Dames, but okay. I would never make sexist or -blam!-y type remarks to women. But why the need for an [b]ALL[/b] female clan? That's already a red flag. Secting into their own little snowflakish group. There's no need. Just make an inviting clan talking about destiny type things, it comes off as a Feminist/Feminazi group to some people, myself included. I'm guess they felt that they were intitled to a group after Dads of Destiny which they are intitled to. I guess it boils down to there are just some bad people in the world.

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      • Edited by Traviks: 7/31/2015 5:30:50 PM
        You know what I think the big thing here that many are missing? A good majority of the playerbase is NOT sexist... but such jokes are used in a satirical nature. Saying things for the humor regarding shock factor. As well as poking fun at the ridiculousness of sexism. Now I am not saying anythinf regarding these recent events. Nor do I have any idea what happened. I also believe there is a time, place, and limit for what should be said.

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      • Unless I missed something, how did this incident include Dames outside of they just...well...being there? Has the world decided that just being in the vicinity of an insult aimed at another person whole groups should be offended? I'm missing the whole oppression and discrimination in [b]this incident[/b]. And, why the hell are you apologizing? If I -blam!- up I can make my own amends, I don't need a white clad Don Quixote tilting at imaginary windmills calling them "discrimination". Oh, and all the feminist I know have big enough balls to punch anyone who would attempt to come to their aid.

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        • I support female gamers and while your post was very supportive, you can't really apologize on behalf of others. But, I understand what you mean.

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        • They shouldn't have an all female clan. That's sexism right there. But more importantly people shouldn't be treating them poorly and making rude comments because of it. That's wrong. A bit of harmless banter is fine, but from what I hear this was far worse than that.

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          30 Replies
          • I feel like I am the only one who didn't see any of this and/or gives zero -blam!-s about any of it. Life sucks, get a helmet.

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            • I tell everyone to suck my balls. I don't discriminate.

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            • Just stop...

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            • What are you sorry for? You did nothing and you are apologizing for it? People today are way too squishy and even the guy that said "suck my balls" directed it towards Deej.

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              • Bump

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              • Not even the fact that wishyouluck got his few minutes of fame, you lot causing all the trouble in the first place should ask deej or cozmo for the girls gamertags and say sorry to them personally.

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              • I agree with the guy in the video wishyouluck deserves a good ass whoopin the -blam!-ing waste of human life ! Does he think because he is a popular streamer on twitch who only plays destiny he is safe ?! His account and everything he has to do with destiny should be banned and other punishments should be dealt out for been so sexist and hateful.

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              • [spoiler]omg it's just a game...calm down people...[/spoiler]

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                2 Replies
                • I hate Wish you luckk

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                • Why do you feel the need to post an apology. The Dames can handle themselves, can't they? And by the way I don't apologize for other people's actions. I take responsibility for myself. You are not helping anything by posting this. You are just putting more fuel in the fire.

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                • I'm confused...why are people assuming that the only logical reason to defend a woman is for sexual favors? Also, why are people so focused on not being included in being grouped with these assholes instead of focusing that there is a problem that needs to be worked on? I guess I just don't get people.

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                  2 Replies
                  • And, in typical fashion, the responses on this thread are not shocking in any way. "They don't deserve special treatment"..."You are the whitest knight"..."Speak for yourself". Well, I'm here to say that I love your post. I'm sick of the gaming community and its general treatment of women.

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                    • Please move this to #offtopic

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