And no, my name's not Coldsteel. That picture is just an example of the cringe you'll likely find.
This is my very favorite thread
Could be cooler...
[b] [/b]
Dear god.
dear god wtf
Edited by seahawks12pk: 8/7/2015 7:09:30 PMI'm not even a grill
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-VHPl_EziANA/VbSEKkCXibI/AAAAAAAABOc/gs61jWX8jbU/w253-h253-p/screenshot100.png Ok, could be worse
Carter the Hedghog
*cringe inflates like Russian economy*
I want to legally change my name
Edited by MegaUltraChicken: 7/30/2015 8:54:39 PMWhat is this even meant to be?
Damn dude
It's the first one. I am confused.
Cool beans
Edited by K1tty Head: 8/5/2015 5:23:16 AMhttp://ethan-the-hedgehogs.deviantart.com/art/Ethan-the-Hedgehog-10-374519728 That escalated quickly
Edited by Them7: 7/30/2015 3:57:25 PMGeorge is power. George is fear.
This is what came up.
Edited by Gravemind94: 8/5/2015 3:52:02 AMNot sure if I should think I look cool or like a douche Edit: I've made up my mind, I look like a douche
Lellest of top
Edited by Sd Kfz 1824985: 8/5/2015 3:01:40 AMSearching my name gives me non-cringeworthy results, but... if you're that curious, search Aaron the Hedgehog. I even have my own promotion...
Autism. Autism is the result.