And no, my name's not Coldsteel. That picture is just an example of the cringe you'll likely find.
Got this as top result for some reason. [spoiler]Scroll down a bit to find my post[/spoiler]
*tries to hold back laughter*
This was what I found.... ....and this was just below it http://imgur.com/tj40nBM (Nathan, the hedgehog)
Edited by maeuo: 8/5/2015 10:34:16 AM
Edited by Darude: 8/5/2015 9:34:12 AMhttp://orig12.deviantart.net/c4ed/f/2013/148/0/f/ethan_the_hedgehog_10_by_ethan_the_hedgehogs-d66z99s.png http://orig08.deviantart.net/5109/f/2013/148/3/2/ethan_the_hedgehog_6_by_ethan_the_hedgehogs-d66z88n.png Honestly quite surprised
Well.. the pupils look a lot like mine.
Edited by Parker: 8/7/2015 7:04:51 PMhttp://mikuthehedge.deviantart.com/art/Parker-The-Hedgehog-378002421 Ohh bby
Edited by Cosmic Milk: 8/7/2015 7:23:26 PMhttp://pre01.deviantart.net/70c0/th/pre/i/2014/064/9/c/ciara_the_hedgehog_by_shirostar-d793aje.jpg Dude, I'm super cool (*^ -^*)
Could be worse I guess...
I'm disappointed
Wouldn't mine just be shadow the hedgehog? I win.
I've seen much worse.
I was expecting something like that.
Edited by NutMeg: 8/8/2015 7:36:06 AMWell someone went to a lot of effort.
Apparently it's in Organization XIII
[b] [/b]
Edited by JayKom: 8/8/2015 7:00:21 AMSome of these at so funny
I wanna vomit looking at the replies
http://shadowboy0126.deviantart.com Uhh... The thing with my name is cool... But he rest is fgtplay... I don't know this person. [spoiler]should I be scared[/spoiler]
What even [i]is[/i] this?
This is my very favorite thread