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Discuss all things Destiny.
7/30/2015 1:50:39 AM

After taking a break from Destiny...

I've really noticed and thought about everything. I took a break from Destiny when I noticed is was pretty much all I played. So, since then, I have started playing GTAV and Terraria again (What I played normally before Destiny). While playing both games, I compared both to Destiny. Let me start with Terraria and it's recent 1.3 update. The update featured a good 6 new bosses, a few new events (4 of the bosses actually come from one of the events; The Celestial Towers), along with the normal hundred or so new items added (Including a Portal Gun!). I thought of how this update alone is similar to a DLC in Destiny; a few new bosses, new weapons and armor, etc. Except with this, Terraria was obviously a free update that I enjoyed WAY more then both of Destiny's DLC's. (Can't wait to see if anyone says "You can't compare the two! They are very different games!" Hey, free content). Moving onto Grand Theft Auto 5, which in my time playing it the last two weeks, I have been finishing up side missions and stuff like that (Kifflom!). While doing the Kifflom missions and running around a desert for a good 30 minutes, I had time to think. Both Destiny and GTA5 were both big $60 full-priced games, both being over-hyped. Both released, one becoming a success while the other becomes a joke of the internet with Watch_Dogs. GTA5 had an amazing world with a great story, while Destiny's story, well, doesn't really exist (Not counting Grimoire). GTA has had free DLC's that costed in-game money, while Destiny has had two $20 DLC's that seem to be considered failures among the community. Now with the approach of the $40 TTK, I thought about how that the TTK is 2/3's the price of GTA5. A DLC is 2/3's the price of a full game. A DLC that can be pre-ordered, because it's now apparently okay to pre-order a DLC now... Ending this off, I was originally going to get the TTK. After having a long think about it, I am siding against this. Me finally realizing that the TTK is 2/3's the cost of GTA 5, The Halo Collection, The Witcher 3 and even Just Cause 3 and Halo 5:Guardians is just absurd. Even 343i has said the multiplayer DLC for Halo 5 will be free because they realized that multiplayer DLC "Divides the community." *COUGH* Destiny *COUGH* I'm just hold off on playing Destiny for a long while now. Skip the TTK, skip whatever DLC comes next. It's simply not worth the fact that you have to continuously buy DLC for the next 9 years just to enjoy the game. Play something else, change it up.

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