I'm an advid trainer and live in the gym, but throughout the day I'm playing games. Got my NPC card back in May and now a certified teen bodybuilder.
So does anyone else workout or train???
lift 5-6x times a week and sometimes include cardio but that wont be necessary once college starts up again
You'd be surprised as to how many people here workout. And Yes I workout since I was 14.
I have been a skinny nerd for a long while (140 5'11") but I decided to get started on a running routine this summer. Been running every other day since May, and it feels great. This fall semester I'm going to buddy up with some friends and start using the university gym. It's a great hobby, glad I got into being active.
Workout five days a week. Run three times a week, weights three times a week. Swim once a week. Two weight days are a double workout with a run in the morning. Swim day and other weight day fill the off gaps. Rest all weekend unless I feel like a run.
Bruh! Do u even lift? [spoiler]Yes. Cake to my mouth[/spoiler]
I run track and cross country. This year I will be Team Leader for both of them and we run everyday except for Sunday
i decided to switch things up and see stick to heavy squats, clean & jerk, deadlifts, pushups, pullups, and situps. my diet is shit though
I've got a set up in my garage (bench and lots of free weights) I religiously hit the weights for a hour on Monday Wednesday and Friday each week after work and rest at the weekends, on a set routine that I constantly push at extra reps and weight as I hit my max rep sets for any particular exercise. Normal write a new routine every 8-12 weeks just to mix things up a little and keep the body guessing. So handy having your own stuff as even tho I finish work at 5 PM I'm in the garage at 515 and back in my house starting my evening with my beautiful wife at 615 (obviously shower first but that's all part of the evening ;) )
I have a scholarship for the endurance program of a Sports academy. It's satisfying af when you're fit enough to smash yourself without feeling like a train wreck afterwards.
Workout! Yeah!
I do. Not as much as I use to. I am tempted to get back into it once work and things settle down a bit. I'm keen to get back into my old PT regime (I'm military so it's more job specific), as well as either get back into martial arts or join my brother's cross fit gym.
Twice a day, almost every day. One bodyweight /cardio workout. And a lift in the evening.
5 times a week
I want to but... Food
Yeah many people here go to the gym, i do. Im going later today.
Edited by KingWhovian: 7/30/2015 9:26:27 AMWhat's an NPC card?
Right here.
I do cross country and track and I'm on varsity. We get up everyday throughout the school year at 4:40 am and have practice at 5. It sucks
Yeah, I do workouts along with cross country practice every day, it's tough, but not that bad once we get in a pattern.
Check the descript
Yup. Pretty muscley if I do say so myself
Out desticle
Yup every other day
"I WORK OUT!" but yea seriously. I pick thing up and put them down till it hurts a few times a week. XD