The sergeant looks you over. "I'm sergeant Cody. You are?" A rifle hangs at his side, suppressor and red dot sight on it.
"I'm Ash"
He extends his hand. "Good to meet you. This is a stealth op, I hope you brought silenced weapons?"
[b]shakes hand[/b] "Well I have several weapons for every scenario" [b]a blade and silenced Smg come out of her arm[/b]
"Good." He turns and gets in the drop ship. [spoiler]Sorry about the wait, had to take out the garbage.[/spoiler]
[b]follows you into the ship[/b]
[spoiler]Mah god these chores are killing me[/spoiler] Cody chambers a round in his rifle and tells the gunship driver to take off when we're all here.
[b]she takes a seat and sharpens her arm blade[/b]
Cody looks up. "How long you been fighting?"
"Since I was 18"
"Cool, I've been in the service for....10 years now? Something like that."
"Its fun isn't it?"
"I'm just a bounty hunter"
"Well it's fun for me"
"Very fun. I heard this guy we're rescuing is the King of Hell pr something. Should be interesting." The gunship lands and Cody stands, rifle across his chest.
[b]her arm turns into a silenced rifle and she stands up[/b] "You lead I'll follow"
[b]Turns safety off[/b] "I'm ready"
"So am I"
"Alright." Cody hops out and starts making ground to the asylum.
As the group reaches the wall, Cody pulls out an icepick and jumps a bit. He runs at the wall and jumps into the wall, giving him a height boost. He embeds the icepick into the wall with a [i]chink[/i]. He pulls out another icepick and slowly makes his way up the wall.
[b]Over radio:[/b]"Hey this is the second group. Be aware of demons we recently encountered one."
"Thanks for the heads up. We're just getting over the wall now." You can hear him clawing into wall with the icepicks in the background.
[b]Radio:[/b]"They are highly aggressive but they have a weak spot you just have to find. Keep an eye around there chest."
"Alright." A suppressed gunshot comes through the mic. Followed by a splatter. "Well, that's a kill."