[b]she puts on her armor and checks her weapons[/b]
"What do you need me to do?"
"Hey you be careful out there OK?"
"Everyone, to the gunships!" [spoiler]new post since we're splitting up.[/spoiler]
"Why so worried about me?"
"Cause your like my only friend"
"Fair enough"
"Everyone, to the gunships!" [spoiler]new post since we're splitting up.[/spoiler]
"'What do you want [i]us[/i] to do'. We're a team now, we should start acting like one. Anyways, we're going to some sort of inter-dimensional asylum on the planet's surface. That's where Lethal is being held. He's a good ally, but I'm pretty sure that he's temporarily insane, so he'll probably try to kill us. Break him out regardless."
"Alright sounds easy enough"
[spoiler]check the last sentence and spoiler I edited it[/spoiler] "I'll have you lead your team in. I'm trusting you to get this done. Do not take these enemies lightly."