Doesn't it depend on what your definition of a conversation is? If someone believes a conversation is when two people discuss for a finite amount of time, would it really be starting a new conversation or creating a new path for the current conversation to take?
Don't you think you already know my opinion on this?
Didn't you want to hear mine?
Haven't you already defended it, even though it may have not been outright stated?
Do you think it was more well defined in my last responses than it was throughout the rest of the conversation?
But doesn't a conversation have to flow? Would you consider an irrelevant interjection part of the conversation, or the beginning of a new one?
Do you think it is as I said earlier, and that it can be both depending on what you see a conversation as?
Shouldn't there be a set definition for what is a conversation?
Is it not up for debate, like so many things in this world?
Should it be?
Are we not having a debate right now, proving that its definition is shaky enough to warrant a debate?
Or are we just uneducated on the definition?
Do you think our intelligence could hardly be characterized as "uneducated"?