Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Can someone please please please help me with trials, I'm a good player but people won't take me just cause I haven't gone flawless before, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP, gt same as above
Edited by ♥: 8/17/2015 4:53:24 PMNeed help getting flawless invite hexikk. I can pull my own weight. On xbone
Edited by RaWzMONEY: 8/17/2015 4:52:20 PM
Looking for team Ps4 gt same as username never fm have done this
T1976Seahawks Xbox one
Level 34 Titan with Max gear. Been flawless 20 + times. Looking for 1 more with KD 1.5 or better. Gamertag: Elite Huntsman
Looking for some assistance getting to the lighthouse I am the only one out of my clan who hasn't gone and I get picked on about it all the time. I just need two good pvpers to bring me there and shove it in Their faces 34 sunsinger warlock thorn or messenger which ever one u want me to use ! Thanks gt same as name Xbox one!
Hey everyone :) come watch my mate on twitch and give him a follow and he will get u to the light house he is a beast in trials and will get u ur flawless :) He has helped over 100 people get there flawless and if u fail the first time dont worry he will play with you until you get your flawless :) Just say neeks sent u and asked how to get ur name on for trials :) He plays on PS4
Looking for two people on Xbox one that have around 1.60 trials KD's
Need to go flawless
Looking for two people on Xbox one that have around 1.60 trials KD's
Veganbobby 34 Titan need help with lighthouse
Looking for two people on Xbox one that have 1.60+ trials KD's
One needed POE 34 Msg adzvillion for inv (xbox1)
1 needed 34 POE Fresh run Msg adzvillion for inv Xbox one
Edited by RegularBet: 8/16/2015 11:39:04 PMI'm looking to go flawless and I suck bettrthnu559 ps4
Xbox one: I'm looking to go flawless, I need a very very and I mean very good team. I'm not bad at pvp in fact I'm quite decent but If I'm not on my game I have you to relay on. I usually play with my friends but I can't relay on them message me if you are willing to help Gt: unity tn
I would really like to be carried to the light house. PSN is CelstialLight
Anyone out there that could help to get to the light house? never bin there before. would be real thankful
Wazaryan21 Ps4
How are ppl selected for this?
Going for flawless on xbox one. Been 5 times. I'm a sunsinger warlock with max everything. Invite me iBRANDONNz
Definitely needing help going to the lighthouse... Lvl 34 on all my characters... GT - iMPAK540
Would love to go flawless! Or even 8 wins to get all packages!! I can hold my own just need a really good flawless team to help get me there! Fresh card with all boons Invite me! Lvl 34 self Rez warlock 365 TLW
I need help on ps3