Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
killa oakii (xbox one)
Tomorrow can I have help I have decent sniping skills I have thorn and last word I've been 5-0 before and looking to go 9-0
Hello Me and my partner are going to be helping anyone go flawless on xbox one I am ranked 86th in the world My partner is ranked 619th in the world The way it works is: You come to our multi stream link below And ask for a flawless and we will help you as soon as possible If you donate we will get you in and play with you intill you get flawless which should be the first run If you don't donate then we will have one run with you and if we go flawless great if we don't then we are sorry! There is a minimum if you donate which is $5 and if you donate more and we have multiple donations then you will be put ahead as you take priority Thanks and I hope to see you all there!
Hey everyone! I'm going to be doing FREE trials flawless 9-0 for anyone who is viewing and following me on twitch. If not I'll get you the packages. Been 9-0 70+ times and you can check my stats. Check me out on twitch. Gamertag: rm fr3ak.
well at least you not charging them lol
Gt gamer6uy25 Xbox one it would mean a lot if you helped me
hellozexy Ps4
Xbox one gt DEATHKILLER1211
I need help I'm a lv 34 Titan with Max last word
I need help im a lvl 34 hunter add tay2001tay
GT hulkogan220 :) you guys are fun to watch on the stream. Keep up the awesome work
34 Titan with max weapons add/invite Ben33520
Gt mushroom13cfh
Edited by realTKOgaming: 8/17/2015 12:06:38 AM[b][u]WE ARE LIVE NOW!!! COME WATCH US LIVE AND ENTER FOR THE FREE PS4 GIVEAWAY!! Click link![/u][/b] WE CARRY FOR FLAWLESS ON BOTH PS4 and XB1!
Looking for a good team to go flawless with. Invite pls. GT same as name. On Xbox 1
Need 1 more for flawless Gt same as above just send msg Please be good and 34
Level 34 warlock I am trying togo flawless on my friends account since he hasn't been flawless before I have gone flawless on my account Msg Shiny Gold Cow for an inv Must be 34 Must have gone flawless every week Must have maxed weapons Must be food at pvp XB1
Im trying to get to the light house for the first time need 2 players gt Raider IIV
Need 2 great players that can help my get flawless I can hold my own even though I'm not the best
Xbox one Max thorn GT souleater716
ChrisDV, PS4
34 warlock Bigcat32
34 hunter Max weapons Flawlessb4 Invite top sauce 11 Looking for flawless or packages Xb1
34 warlock can put my part on trails been flawless Gt knlqhtmare invite me. Please put your part
Can someone please please please help me with trials, I'm a good player but people won't take me just cause I haven't gone flawless before, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP, gt same as above