Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Level 28 just want 5 wins
Xbox1. Need 1. Message on Xbox.
Need a good team for flawless been multiple times each week don't send me invite unless your good. Blunt859
Add DarkVDetta
Level 34 Titan looking for good helpful player to help me go flawless. Msg/invite Jubal907
Look for 1 try hard with at least a 1.5 KD add me
Edited by Seaseidon: 7/28/2015 7:50:17 AM34 Hunter been flawless. Have max thorn and red death. Invite or message on xbox1
34 Titan with Max thorn. Need to go flawless. I am good at trials just not good enough to carry a team to the light house. I don't need to be carried I just need someone with skill. Xbox one. GT same as above. Msg me for inv
Edited by Shnitzngigglez: 7/28/2015 6:45:24 AMPs4 2 34 Titans trying to make it to the lighthouse. Never achieved this goal so if there's any one out there kind enough to assist us in achieving this goal add s4ndm4n82513. Thank you! ***or if there is a team that can help out add s4ndm4n82513 or nado731 on ps4.***
Titan with max thorn. Will give gorgon checkpoint to anyone who can get me a flawless run.
34 Hunter. Max red death and thorn. Looking to get 9 wins quick. Message on Xbox or invite.
34 Hunter. Looking for carry on invite. Will hold own. Max red death and thorn.
34 Hunter. Need flawless looking for help on another. Message on Xbox or invite.
Need 2 for flawless run I have a 34 Titan & 34 Warlock (you pick) I have every exotic & I can carry my own weight and someone else's if I join a bad team, which I'm sure I won't. I will get a fresh passage. GT: l D3M0 l (that's an "L" FYI) Xbox One
Lvl 34 Titan looking to go flawless Gt Alexrukss
I need two people to go flawless
I need two people for trials trying to go flawless before refresh
Need a good team for flawless been multiple times each week don't send me invite unless your good. Blunt859
[quote]34 weekly flawless player looking for 2 people who go flawless every week. I really don't want to carry people who can't play very well so please be good, must have mic and proof of flawless multiple times gt same as name message for invite[/quote]
Need 2 for flawless run I have a 34 Titan & 34 Warlock (you pick) I have every exotic & I can carry my own weight and someone else's if I join a bad team, which I'm sure I won't. I will get a fresh passage. GT: l D3M0 l (that's an "L" FYI) Xbox one
I need to run a flawless raid i would like to get the messenger adept on ps4 I have 3 guardians at 34 plus maxed out weapons i can hold my own but need to find a fire team my psn is erock_617
Need two people that have been flawless before to help carry me in trials. Gamertag Cevin007. Ps im a lvl 34 titan with good weapons.
Lvl 34 hunter w/ max weapons, lfg to run a quick trials card. I have a 1.0 k/d in regular crucible and an abysmal .6 k/d in trials. I'm 36 and a firefighter so I work in a team, take direction and criticism well. If I seem like the kind of guy you'd like to run some trials with me message me at the above gamertag.
Need one more gt nemesis8588
Bump and click stream link above!!!