Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Xbox One Deamon Phenix 34 Hunter
Xbox one SIDESWIPE 01
33 hunter can be 34 titan ps4 psn: rturner81 inv me
Ps4 tg521
PS4: Phoenixking76316.
XB1: iLL Instinct
G t : Suppsoderr & LucidScientist ( both lvl 34 & 365 weapons )
Join us at our stream as we tackle Iron Banner. We are now streaming live! At the moment we are inviting our viewers so they can join us and help accomplish our IB Rank. If you want to join us please visit our stream at: Or [i]In addition, On Friday-Monday we help our followers get to the light house. Free of charge! We are here to help the community! Sign up at our raffle by visiting the stream and you can earn a chance to go flawless! Flawless is the goal, and if you have never been, it’s time for you to go![/i] Gentlemen Initiative is our Clan! If you want to join please let us know here or send me a message at: GT: Dha Untouchable PSN: Nyzmosinfamous XBOXONE | XBOX360 | PS4
DWSnider20 Maxed everything
We will be streaming all weekend starting trials launch! CLICK STREAL LINK AND FOLLOW TO KNOW WHEN WE GET LIVE! [b][u]realTKOgaming loves you guys and wishing you all good luck! Please bump!![/u][/b]
Need 1 for trails ps4! Add deathmachine2056
Would love to be carried my ps4 name is joeribs10
It's been a dream to get to the dang lighthouse that keeps haunting me I would love to be helped thanks (ps4) TERMIN8TOR47 - thanks
I would like to be considered for next this week. PSN: AdeliciousNOM
Looking to join trials . 34 void walker with max thorn .inv me gt same as above
DWSnider20 Maxed out guns, levels and classes
lvl 34 hunter max thorn Gt: x Rebel Llama x With spaces and caps
PS4 - J0k3r8958 with no vowels
Gt : Thraxzilla2100
These guys will help, they helped me
[ps4] i need two for nightfall id: Drax080
Ninjaburger74 ps4
Level 28 just want 5 wins