Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Help me I'm horrible at pvp lol
Xbox one GT is bloodhavoc456
Lvl33 hunter looking for trails team message gt above xbox1
PS4: edwinp426
Xbox One: killionare357
Lvl 34 hunter on ps4 really wanting to go flawless please help and add the name
THE_WARLORD100 lvl 34 warlock with thorn
Edited by morganTD: 7/31/2015 5:46:39 PMmorgantd lvl 33 hunter ps4
Xbox one: F4ttydodo
Xbox One Gamertag: Proto X Pythonz
Ps4 need full team to carry me add tantuk1
Adorion_20 (ps4)
33 warlock nevet been on pvp as im not good,love to try it psn wazzafinnie
Every time I ask for help I don't get rangergq32 ps4
Xbox one gT FUNKY FUNGUS 9 inv me please
Xbox one Gt: supercooper67 would love to go to the lighthouse for the first time never really had a good enough team to do so- fairly experienced pvp with last word etc hope you choose me
Would like to be carried thru trials add ssdude_ky lvl 33
34 warlock xbox 1. Thorn, g horn, mythoclast an more never been flawless gt is sinistersum
Mrclutch8318 on psn. 34 self res warlock
TannicMetal Xbox one
timtim_m on ps4. I've been trying to go flawless and help would be very much appreciated!