Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Need 1 to carry my mate - I am good but I can't carry him without someone else good. You have to be a level 34 and a very good player gt same as above
Lvl 34 titan xbox one. Gamertag Cevin007. Can handle my own. Need help going flawless for the first time, please help.
LVL 34 hunter with max bladedancer max thron max black hammer and max hunger looking for 1 lvl 34 warlock and Titan must be able to communicate and have gone 9 - 0 and can hold your own msg for invite
34 Warlock need to get to the lighthouse again, got ship shader, need a SOLID team mature and confident... message 'Pricymista macc' ON XBOX ONE FOR INVITE *SERIOUS PLAYERS ONLY PLEASE*
Looking for another flawless before sun singer for a flawless all sunsinger team. Message me for inv @ joeverdi77 XBOX1
34 Titan looking to go flawless I can carry my own weight Xbox one
Can hall hep me .. Gt: fr jumbo
Need 2 for flawless run Level 34 only Must have gone flawless before Max weapons GT:SoggyToast4U XBox One
Looking to go flawless. I need a team that's not afraid to win, any means necessary, even thorn & shotguns. You can't go easy on trials and expect to go flawless. I'm gonna use my 34 Titan. I have every exotic in the game. GT: l D3M0 l (That's an "L" before and after demo btw)
I will probably need help next week so I will repost if I must, but thx gt: fandcmejia
Follow xcastingxcouchx on twitch, tell him you saw this post, and he will put you in a raffle to get to go 9-0. He is a new streamer and a really great guy. Just trying to help a dude out.
Gamer tag: XplosivPacifist
Edited by The_Cop_Cooper: 8/2/2015 6:43:01 AMThe_Cop_Cooper PS4
Looking for another flawless before sun singer for a flawless all sunsinger team. Message me for inv @ joeverdi77 XBOX1
Looking to go flawless on ps4. Max character and weapons message g2cog
I have never gone flawless and really want to if you guys are still accepting people msg pac12rules Xbox 1
On Xbox one, decent but still trying to go flawless inv BICKSLER1
Need someone skilled that has gone flawless before. Message GT: Rullni for invite!
Gt Maseguy wanna run trials on my warlock never been flawless ur help would be awesome thx
My Gt is CyberSkeith, 34 warlock with max weapons, looking for 2 people to help me achieve flawless. Xbox One, Please message me :)
I have never gone flawless and would be very happy if two people could help me. Message me for an invite. Gt same as above. Xbox one
Level 34 hunter! Looking to go flawless or at least 8 wins! Imv msg me! Max weapons!
Level 34 Titan willing to help people go flawless
34 Titan running max thorn looking for help going to lighthouse best record is 8-1
Level 34 Titan maxed thorn looking for help to get to lighthouse for first time. Great same as above XB1