Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
34 Titan Max Thorn, Party Crasher, and Hunger looking for 2 HIGHLY SKILLED PvP players for Trials! Must have a 2.0+ K/D in crucible! I need a carry team! Message me at: KryptixSkill
Message me at kw41_8sda need two for trails
Edited by Muskratt: 8/3/2015 5:45:19 PMAnkelbreaker2003 ps4 please help me thank you
Mr_Basketball-01, ps4
Need help. Gt kberkman
Need help with flawless InspiredGreen
Insanity_Wolf99 on ps4 34 Warlock needing help wanting 8 wins or flawless I can kinda hold my own
Need one two players that have gone nine and 0 you must have gone 9-0 and have mic gt same as above
34 Hunter Never been flawless looking to join team and work for it, Xbox 1 gt Da Iceman LBC
need 2 strong players for flawless must have a good k/d i'll check! msg/inv: iBroMadMax XBOX ONE
34 Titan wanting to go flawless I'm decent but no amazing LF good group plz Gt ll AFTER SH0CK
34 Titan LF good group willing to carry Gt ll AFTER SH0CK
Need 1 for flawless run must have baptized Jesus and have 28.7 K/D I'll be checking in the bible and shit. Message xb1 4 invite.
34 Titan LF good group willing to carry Gt ll AFTER SH0CK
- We are a group of friends that are looking for new clan members to play with. We are an active clan who play every day, who will do any unachieved activity's with people whether noobs or allstars. We destroy any hard activity, and we solo crotas and go flawless every week. We all have gjallys, but that's not mandatory. We'll accept anybody that wants to join. We have a weekly rotation of how we do things: Tuesday- weekly's; Wednesday- Crota's; Thursday-VOGs ;Friday- Trials; Saturday-POE(32,34,35);Sunday and Monday-a bit of everything. When it comes right down to it, we just want a group that we can play with each and every week. Hope to see you soon, Bigjayp89
[b][u]ANOTHER DAY OF FLAWLESS CARRIES!!![/u][/b] Click the link and hit follow! It's free!
Edited by Snoffrey: 8/2/2015 8:36:53 PMgt sanchvegas, need two to go flawless, this will be my first time On ps4
Need 2 for trials Must be 34+ and have good weapons Nearly went light house. My team bought boons but didn't tell me and they got the flawless
enhanceddeath need 1 for trials
Really need help going flawless have never done it l. If you want to help me add me Psn: LaloLMTP
Looking for more people to play with on PS4? Join our clan! We have members on morning - night, All of which have gone Flawless in Trials and completed all Raids / POE on Hard!
Dimitrije6 psn ps4
Hey there people need help with trials going 9-0 have been there before so know what I'm doing looking for 2 epic players to help me get there again had no luck so far as I've had people leave games from my team an mess my streak up so if you can spare a lil of your time to help run me through it is greatly appreciate it thankyou.Invite jonezy8987 Xbox one
Hello me and my friend need help with trials we don't have to go flawless but atleast be able to get armor please if anyone can help message me for invite GT is same as name thank you on xbox one
Need 1 for poe (No kids) Msg me for invite Same gt
Need 1 to carry my mate - I am good but I can't carry him without someone else good. You have to be a level 34 and a very good player gt same as above