Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
IF YOU WANT TO GO FLAWLESS. Look up my stats ( for your sake ) then, click this link [url=]link[/url] to automatically be taken to my Twitch page where I Stream. Drop a comment in there saying I need help (I DO NOT reply to these forums) I've helped 22 people this week! 12 hour stream everyday, let's get you flawless, right now. Today. Ayurvedaii
I need to be sort of carried. I'm great when I am good, but pretty bad on most occasions. Above GT
Need one more. Would love to go flawless. Msg for invite. GT same as above
We need one solid guy to help us through trials flawless, 1 of us has done flawless, 1 hasn't yet. Message me on xbox1 if you can help us out. GT same as above
Xb1 my gt honor zebra
(PS4) Need 1 natural blonde Nigerian that has slayed 24 lions, fixed the internet in Chad, and has gone flawless 35+ times. Also you need a 500 attack thorn. Have a good one.
Gt televisiontko
Looking to go flawless have max weapons level 34 and can hold my own GT same as above for inv
Need 2 34+ who have been flawless 4+ times have emblem as prof, have a mic msg for inv
mac_0619 ps4
Gamertag same as name 33 warlock xbox 1
2 warlocks need 1 more for trials. Preferably a lvl 34 hunter or titan. Needs to be on point and 1 run for flawless. Message for invite. Justito Burrito Xbone
Gt :LeonardoDefapio
(XB1) looking to go flawless I go flawless every week need people that do the same GT same as above
34 warlock looking for help to get 5+ wins. GT: Hsustud21 Xbox1
Looking to go flawless have decant crucible skills been 8-1 many times RuntyMedal7
Add Erza_ragez trying to go to the lighthouse need 1 more
I would love to go to lighthouse. Ps4
Gt Armored spar7an
Never done trial would love to actually see lighthouse. Getting back into destiny for the taken king. Decent at pvp and I'm a titan
Im Jhet
Hey i need help plz i never been to the lighthouse before psn same as above
So I am just a calm crucible person who would love to flawless. I would really love if I could get people who would be chill enough to carry me through! Please msg for invite GT is same. Xbox One
Dunkin Ds Jr I wanna go flawless invt me.