So after much research. These are the most popular destiny'ers on the web. I had to make some options all fall under a category due to the high number of channels.
[u]Edit #1. [b][i]I STRONGLY suggest you guys check out Daygon. He is an amazing player, and is just as funny, if not funnier, than Mr. Fruit. [/i][/b][/u]
[spoiler]Mr. Fruit, Slayerage/HM05, and Daygon are my favs. [/spoiler]
If by "TripleWRECK and other try hards" you mean all PvP streamers, then yes it's "TripleWRECK and other try hards" for me. Mainly WaR bulletproof, WTFisPoshy and AEGabriel.