...to defeat the Huns.
Thanks for playing.
(...Be a man...) With all the strength of a raging fire...
[b] [/b]
Expected Milan was not disappointed
Mulan is best disney film
[i] [/i]
Why do you send me daughters...
Expected this. And yet, still surprised.
>wanting to defeat the Huns Attila will have your head.
I dont got no time to play around what is this Must be a circus in town lets shut this sh*t down on these clowns can i getta witness
You're mysterious as the dark side of the moon.
>came expecting stock market tactics >was disappointed
Heed my every order, and you MIGHT survive!
Goddamn Mongolians
*beats furiously*
...to outbid the Huns.
With Greek fire sir?
Damnit Burns