I'm over this game and having to pay $40 for a DLC ,yes I said it because that is what is bungie deves get over it, it should have had this content in the beginning im tired of farming over and and over for something that will barley do anything I'm going to other MMOs, yes deves I called it that too get over it, and playing the game this was CLEARLY based off of borderlands 2. and the way more thought out and content full FREE game warframe goodbye destiny. I waited for this garbage BUNGIE!!! FORGET ACTIVISION GO BACK TO HALO, FIX IT AND ITS STORY, GET RID OF 343 AND DO WHAT YOU DO BEST-Halo make it good again and we will forget these dark times.
So first off weapon balance is -blam!-ked, 3 thorns almost every trials game. Winning 4 to 2..... friend gets dropped 3 vs 2 now. I get two shot by two diffrent fags and then same goes for friend. why isnt any of this being fixed, we have waited how many months for a balanced crucible? "salty and wannt thorn nerfed because i dont have it or suck with it" is what ppl defend the gun with no bodies bad with it and every one level 28 and up can do the bounty. Gt young skiZz look me up on destiny tracker i play enough to know what im talking about and i rarely use thorn, yet manage to go 9-0 at least 5 times or even more each weekend. Blink shot gun whos idea was it to give out these shot guns that have ridiculous range/impact that can obtain shot package. Insted of every one blink shot gunning with thorn as there secondary, why dont ppl use other weapons? Take a guess everything else takes skill and or is a shit weapon class theres LMGS ( only see rocket lauchers with best rolls possible ), AUTO RIFLES ( tickles other players and enemies ), FUSION RIFLES( suck ass ). Why are there weapon Classes that are useless. THE CRUCIBLE IS HORRID. House of wolves made the pvp state even worse. BUNGIE -blam!-KED UP. AS YOU MAY TELL IM MAD, I WANT TO GET WORD OUT. Weve delt with dark below witch sucked and luke smith comes around not but hurt about the euro gamer thing but like wow you have any idea how easily this game could have died during the dark below. THE GAME ALREADY FAILED AT LAUNCH MANY YOUTUBERS MADE ONE OR TWO EPISODES AND NO MORE AFTER WOUNDER WHY. I HONESTLY LOVE THIS GAME BUT ITS SO STRESSFUL PLAYING AND IF IT MAKES MATTERS WORSE THIS GAME WAS SUPOSSED TO BE SO -blam!-KING SICK AND HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL . WHERE DID BUNGIE GO WRONG? POE SUCKS ASS AND IS NO WHERE CLOSE TO FUN AS A RAID ( You may not agree about POE but thats how i look at it). ON Deejs wish list somebody wrote "new dev team" lmao XD wonder why i found that so funny. I dont want to be a game devolpmers ginne pig, Bungie always seems to be catching up with each dlc always a step behind of what this game should be. Taken king over here just taking our money. DONT GET ME WORNG DESTINY IS A GREAT GAME BUT ITS CLEARY NOT FINISHED.