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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 7/26/2015 12:19:24 AM

For everyone demanding that Year 1 gear be used well into Year 2 you are insane....

The game has to move forward & I am okay with that


I never want things to change


I will move on but I'm sad to see them go


Do you people not understand how progress works? They are going to increase the level cap to 50 people. That means that you won't be able to keep your level 32-34 gear. Just like you didn't get to keep using the russian rifle you get in the beginning of the game forever and ever and had to move on to a new gun. You don't get to choose when you stop progressing or get to demand that nothing changes. People talk about gamer entitlement and for the most part I think its bullshit, but what I am seeing here is the definition of entitlement. You all want all the new content , but you don't wanna give up what you already have. You demand that you get to keep using the same stuff forever unless you find something better. Thats not how games works. Especially games that are expansion based. When the Reaper of Souls expansion came to Diablo 3 you didn't get to keep using your old gear. You had to move on to the new content. When WoW releases a new expansion you don't get to keep using your old gear. Whe CoD/Halo releases a new game you don't get to keep the gear you were already using in the previous installment. This is an ACTUAL expansion for Destiny. Not the hollow husks that we got like HoW and TDB yet even THEY forced us to move on to new raid gear and new weapons. But you think that TTK is somehow different? Despite the fact that it will supposedly contain more than double what HoW and TDB had combined? Exotics will of course be able to be upgraded, but if you think you should able to be using a Fatebringer (A Level 30 Weapon) and it still be JUST as good as it ever was at Level 50 then you people are out of your minds. [b][u]I understand that some people are attached to their weapons and I also understand that some of you still haven't even GOTTEN the weapons in question yet so you don't wanna see that effort go to waste but this is how it has ALWAYS worked when it comes to expansions. Year 1 gear WILL be pushed to the background especially now that they are even releasing new gun makers. Do you really think they would go through all of this trouble and effort of creating all this new content, but still let everyone use and abuse the old stuff as well? [/u][/b] [b]EDIT: Just to be clear I am speaking about [i]PvE[/i] exclusively. I know that in PvP you will obviously be able to use whatever you want. I am talking about PvE where numerical stats actually matter.[/b] [b]EDIT 2: Also just to be clear I am not claiming they are gonna REMOVE the old guns. I am simply saying that by increasing the level cap they will be forcing you to REPLACE the old guns. [/b]

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  • You know what. -blam!- year one weapons. They should make a new catagory above legendary below exotics. Onwards and upwards people. What is the point of playing a loot based game if your going to use fatebringer till 2024.. I want to get excited to try new guns that drop for me again. Sure use your old guns if your feeling nostalgic but watch me headshot this taken major and watch how he explodes with lightning bolts locking all common enemy's around his body down in place for a period of time. [spoiler]quick get 5 crits on one of the plebs while he is stuck in place with your poxy VoC.[/spoiler] [spoiler]he might JUST die[/spoiler]

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  • I'm fine with guns, Just let us keep our armor atleast... I love the titan exile set... :(

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  • Edited by MellowLikeAcat: 7/26/2015 10:12:18 AM
    I'm not sure how it's going to work buuut it might work out because of some pics I saw. The weapons went by light level and not actual damage so your weapons might be based off of your level now and not weapon stats. Not sure though

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by Shadow Artiste: 7/26/2015 12:50:57 AM
      What about ... and this is a crazy idea, I know, but what if ... players had that choice? What if little Jimmy wants to use the new Suros sniper, but little Tommy wants to keep using Atheon's Epilogue? Would it be so catastrophic to the meta, would the world start to crumble around you if you're playing a new strike and someone is using a Word of Crota? Crazy, huh? It's such a simple concept, and it revolves around player choice and diversity.

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      18 Replies
      • They just need to go back to making good guns. HoW guns are worse than TDB guns, and VoG guns are better than TDB Raid Weapons (with the exception of Black Hammer and HoC). Every VoG gun is good, even Atheons Epilogue was decent when VoG was released.

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      • The problem here is that we are being [b]forced[/b]. These new guns are (as of yet) pathetic. They don't make me want to move on. Why should I swap from my epic fatebringer to a six dreg pride with... wait for it... dreg burn! If the perks were better, I'd be all for it. However, fb has much better perks than most pve handcannons. Same goes for black hammer vs other pve snipers (well atleast before the patch rolls in)

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        17 Replies
        • Here's the problem. Bungie nerfing all year one weapons to make way for TTK weapons is not progress. Progress would be Bungie looking at the weapons that people love to use and legitimately making weapons that are better than those. Not destroy the good ones.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by DarkKatalyst: 7/26/2015 3:44:29 AM
            I agree and disagree. I understand the need for progress, but it wasn't long ago I got my Fatebringer. I am not willing to give that up along with other guns without equal replacements. But even if Bungie releases an equivalent to Fatebringer and other guns... RNG. The issue is that I like the feel of certain guns, and obsoleting them will upset that. This isn't like a typical MMO where that lvl 30 sword feels exactly like the lvl 10 one. Edit: Also, just because other games' expansions work a certain way, it doesn't mean Destiny's must as well.

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by gspgoose: 7/26/2015 5:00:26 AM
              Bungie should make some better weapons then... Is it entitlement to want better weapons to battle bigger badder enemies?

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            • Just imagine right now if we were not allowed to ascend weapons from tdb and vanilla destiny.......and we were stuck to rely on these HOW weapons with shank burn, and a moderate bonus damage to dregs with a RL. Come on now, Bungie needs to make us not WANT to use old weapons, not make us HAVE to use old weapons. They don't compare. Older weapons are better.

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            • no never in most, you can acquire same gear at a higher level and use it over and over this should be no different, just add newer ones to stir the pot, any one who thinks other wise is a bungie conformist and will be left with a smaller crowd when the newer better thought out games hit the market this year. I know this game will not take any precedence cause bungie is failing in content an rewarding the players by extending battle time by weakening weaponry. new weapons will hit the game and be downright shit cause bungie thinks drawing out the battles will lengthen the game.

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            • All most of us are saying is don't push CRAP. Every weapon from prison of elders is out of the box 365 no etheric light needed. You want them? I know I don't. If they make the new weapons and they have appeal to players they will be fine. They have just spoiled the pot this time around by showing us they can load up and entire DLC with weapons no one would even want.

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              • Biased poll is biased Why is it too much to ask for the guns I love to remain relevant? I will find my own reasons for falling in love with new stuff. To be forced to abandon my gear won't make me like anything. It will make me bitter about the time I already invested. This lesson has been learned already. YOU are crazy for thinking that it somehow acceptable for everything we spent hundreds and sometimes thousands of hours acquiring to be rendered useless in future adventures. Destiny should be increasing the number of options available to players... Not cycling the same number through planned obsolescence. It isn't cool to anyone. Everything that was available once should still be, and new stuff should stand on its own merit. The only reason why anyone would want this in the first place is because there are already things withheld from them and they see it as unfair. IMO the "long-term vision" of destiny's weapon system has already collapsed under its own weight. I wish they would abandon it altogether and provide pathways to acquire stuff no longer available in addition to the new stuff. What's more is Bungie seems to not understand why vault space is a problem. FEAR fear of regret, that something I have I might want later, but since I can no longer acquire it it inflates its relative worth and clogs up my vault/ inventory. If I had a reasonable means of getting back something I would not bother hanging on to alot of it.

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                14 Replies
                • Edited by Archangel91: 7/26/2015 6:44:02 PM
                  I would be ok with leaving gear behind every expansion if they made the new gear interesting/good enough to make it worth it. I personally think the guns in general have gotten worse with each expansion. All of the VoG weapons have pretty great perks, with the extra Oracle Disruptor perk added under a damage node. The guns from Crota's End, while weren't terrible, the 3rd perk on most of them make them underpowered outside of Crota's End. Yes, disorienting wizards or shooting through knight shields can be fun/useful at times, but most of the time that perk is just a waste. Then the HoW guns... Nevermind that the ones with an elemental burn don't drop nearly as often as VoG/CE weapons, but when they do, they have extremely lame perks like shank burn... They couldn't come up with something at least mildly entertaining to make them at least situationaly fun to use? It's just pure laziness. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with the old raids weapons becoming obsolete (even then I'll save a few to use when I get bored and run the old raids), but for god's sake make it so we [i]want[/i] to leave the old stuff behind for bigger and better things. Don't just force people to adopt some crappy guns with horrible perks just because they're "new"

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                  3 Replies
                  • get ready for the counter arguement, If i'm able to keep my guns I will still want to grind for the new ones because they may potentially be better than my old guns, keeping old gear doesn't hurt a loot based game look at SWTOR for example, veractyls are old as -blam!- but people still lust after them and new cometics, people grind strikes there too for cash to trade/buy things off the GTN. being able to keep old gear is about not wanting to throw away everything you've worked towards how would you feel if you've played since day one but you get gally the day of or day before the 2.0 patch when it gets nerfed? or what if subsequently gjallahorn is made absolute shit but you have 1200-2000 hours into the game ? you'd feel like you just wasted a lot of time for nothing. if the new gear is good enough to stand in its own right it will replace peoples current gear as they delete old gear for the new gear, but if the new gear is shit people will just stay with old shit because the smells worn off.

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                  • The problem is: Vanilla guns (inc VOG) were made almost too strong to begin with. This made newer weapons mediocre at best. We saw how powerful vex was, and it got hit hard with nerf but the legendaries have remained the same. The solution to stopping people using these is simple. Render them obsolete. Thats whats happening here. In a way its a good thing, it'll stop people using the same OP guns forever and waste bungies efforts when designing new weapons.

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                  • this is how i feel. i hate grinding and i like my old weapons, like fate bringer. i worked hard to level it up, it really anoys me to think its a wast of time to level it up. if im force to give up certain weapons cause bungie dosent want us to use them then i will proberly stop playing destiny. how ever if they want us to give up these weapons then they need to add just as powerful weapons that are better. well thats my ramble.

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                  • I am completely for the inability to upgrade year one guns. However, I feel that armor should always be upgradable. The perks aren't game-changing enough to matter much, and it will promote more diversity between level-capped players.

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                  • If it was their intent to prevent us from taking our old weapons into year two, then they wouldn't have nerfed so many exotics.

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                    3 Replies
                    • What makes you think just because it has always gone that way, that it should go that way now too? Destiny is something new, a project. So let it be a project and see what they come up with. No, they shouldn't transfer all the items into the new expansion. BUT they should offer an upgrade path(A long and difficult one). Most exotics offer something unique, that reinforces differing play styles. They add to the game. Take them away, and you're limiting the game instead of expanding. Though I'd like to start anew as well, they shouldn't limit anything in this already restricted setting. If they're going to add the upgrade paths, I hope they hold it until 1 month before the first DLC.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I'm fine with new guns Omolon here I come !!!! I will sign up and be your poster boy !!!! Hakke and suros going down!!!! But touch my vision of confluence or fate bringer I'll rip out your heart and goug out your eye balls lol but I'm fine with the rest leaving

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                      • Never letting go of fatebringer or devil you know.

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                      • I think the best middle ground is to allow 3 tokens of ascendency so you can pick 3 weapons and move on. I think a straight cut off of all old gear antagonises those that have been grinding for many long hours but I do appreciate the game must move on #deej

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                      • No point in keeping old gear around. I love some of my guns, Bad JuJu for example, but, if you always use the same loadout because it's efficient the game gets stale. I want more stuff to experiment with and liven up the metagame. If year one gear hangs out it removes the incentive to experiment.

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                        6 Replies
                        • If the rewards were earned via achievements or tickets like TOO, then fine. That would work because they would be built for that expansion, and if you didn't get and use them, that's your fault. But RNG has people like me with plenty of VoGs [i]still[/i] looking for 1st Fatebringer. [i]Still[/i] looking for my 1st Vision of Confluence. All great guns by most accounts. [i]IF[/i] they drop, the shelf life of these weapons are 9/15/15. Effectively negating [u]all[/u] my time invested hoping to get one. Because now, what's the point? 10 months of grind, just wiped out. I mean, really, I won't be able to keep them anyways because vault space. But had I been able to use progress as a way to insure my weapon drop, my time would have had value, the weapons would have been able to have their moments in the spotlight if equally available (no dumb max Gally LFGs would exist). I personally think having an ascension mechanism up until Destiny 2 full release is the right way forward. There's only TTK and two more minor DLCs. I don't see where bringing all guns available along is such a big deal.

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                          5 Replies
                          • I merely ask for the ability to take a single gun with me if they do make the old guns unable to be ascended further. Want my beloved broken truth to come with me, and i shall be content

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