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Edited by DrtyNstyLeg: 8/31/2015 1:59:32 PM

Why is Destiny Warframe's little

Sister. Just take a look at Warframe folks. Bungie and Activision basically used money to promote a crappy half assed version of warframe. Warframe has been around longer so spare me any excuses. Go look at destiny and then come back again. Helmets of same style and colors. Destiny I am sorry but you are losing me to a FREE game. Edit 1: Great feedback guys. The non hate towards destiny and it's gamers while giving insightful information is all we can do. #spreadtheword Edit2: finally got some anti warframe posts in here. Only problem is less than half can bring up an actually rebuttle. To those spouting the same it sucks it sucks garbage keep it up. Show Bungie what kind of community you are. #kleenexfortheweak Edit3: Look at the positive debate between us gamers minus a few awkward moments here and there. Thanks again to all who have commented good or bad. Let's keep this lively and going. #editfromthetoilet Edit 4: Things are going strong on this post. Lots of love for the Frame and yes Destiny too lol. I appreciate the majority of good clean debate a lot my fellow gamers. Let this be a stop for Warframe or Destiny players to discuss options and strategies. Maybe make some new Destiny or Warframe friends. Together we can shape the future of gaming and make it fun world for all. #gocowboys #deathtobrady #somethingdifferenttohashtag Edit: Aug 31 2015.... With the latest of issues coming from Bungie I highly recommend you all take a look at WARFRAME. Don't give me that pay to win crap either. Just about all of the forum wants everything that is in a FREE game but won't switch due to lack of hype. If you pay for Destiny's DLCs you are playing a PAY TO WIN.

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  • Necro!

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  • I tried war frame and found it very confusing. Cool game but I just couldn't figure out how to upgrade stuff or use the menus.

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    5 Replies
    • I play both, I like both.

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    • Bumppppp

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    • I think I love homo. I love Warframe so much lol It's awesome, fun, customization is amazing, jump in/jump out gameplay, and it's FREE!

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      3 Replies
      • Love Warframe and will buy Prestige Pack 3 just to support it (don't need the plat) so many gaming companies have great business models why Bungivision chose this model is beyond me. This is next level greed on their part Cod isn't even close to it so why ruin the game for a little extra $ that you'll lose from refunds and lost future sales?

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      • I did like Warframe at one point, I really did. It really just lost the charm for me, though. One of the most glaring flaws was the utter and absolute power creep present in the game. Let me tell you a story of the Tenno known as NeverEatTheLemonsAlone. One day, in his Clan, he finally finished the research on a weapon known as the Lanka, a powerful sniper rifle which was balanced with its projectile speed and charge time. One of the few weapons in the game that wasn't hitscan. He enjoyed this weapon, and made it do tremendous amounts of damage, once reaching over 15,000 when it proc'ed status, headshot and multishot all at once. He loved it, and commonly ran it with his Loki for positioning with Decoy and Switch Teleport. Then DE created a weapon known as the Vectis. NeverEatTheLemonsAlone became upset with this turn of events. After all, the Vectis was better than the Lanka in pretty much every way! Though its damage was slightly lower, it had increased critical damage, not to mention Primed Chamber and Charged Chamber worked on every shot because there was only one in the magazine. (At that point, status chance wasn't yet introduced). Still, he kept playing, using the weapon he loved. Then came the Vectis Prime. Well now, why would anyone ever use the boring old Lanka anymore? Why would anybody use the Seer over the Aksomati? In fact, why would anyone use anything over the Soma? It essentially became the best weapon in the game, the only one anyone ever used bar a few, one of which was quickly taken out of the drop pool entirely (Latron Prime). Finally, he simply got tired of the irritating repetition and put down his mouse and keyboard and went to play Destiny. Thus far, it's worked for him. Now, I'm not saying Warframe is a bad game. I logged over 1000 hours into it. However, it's just...not as fun. The controls feel somewhat sloppy, the guns chew through enemies, once you've used at least one Forma and potato there's no reason for you to ever die in any mission, ever. It's simply boring, far, FAR more so than Destiny, especially with all of the new content from Taken King. That said, this is mostly my opinion. Anybody else can fully enjoy Warframe far more than Destiny. I'm simply offering my opinion. Sure, they're similar, but you have to realize: Destiny is far more similar to Halo than it is to Warframe in terms of gameplay. And what do you know, it's made by Bungie. Stop coming up with conspiracy theories and play whichever game you want to. After all, if you're not having fun, what's the point?

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      • Personally I enjoy destiny 10 times more than warframe. I like the way it plays better. But that's just my personal opinion. Warframe is fun but I stopped playing as soon as I got destiny. But I can see why so many people enjoy it

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        • Daily bump

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        • Daily bump

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        • Edited by DrtyNstyLeg: 7/29/2015 5:03:31 PM
          Edit: posted edit 4 here by accident.

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        • Daily bump

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        • I stopped playing Warframe when Destiny came out. I just went back this week, and man has that game evolved. Taken King can suck it, as far as I'm concerned. Warframe is a far superior game and you aren't forced to scour internet sites to find people to play any of the good content ... You can find them right there in-game, and most, if not all, of the content can be solo'd if you're good enough. There's tons to do, and constant updates and events ... FOR FREE. You can get anything you want without spending a dime (though I tend to drop a few bucks here and there to support the cause / my laziness). I loved Destiny, but I just can't support their price gouging (particularly to our overseas guardians) and play-the-way-Bungie-wants-you-to attitude. If year one gear can't be upgraded, I'm done. If they don't make the price on-par with previous prices for overseas guardians, I'm done. Warframe started out good and became great ... And it just continues to get better ... All free of charge. Destiny is a good game, but they just continue to tow the line, and now they're charging out the butt for it. People try to claim that Warframe is pay-to-win. As stated previously, you can acquire everything and play every bit of content without paying a dime. Can Destiny say the same? I think not. Disagree? Ask the people who didn't buy the previous dlc's.

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          2 Replies
          • Warframe is life for me right now until Fallout 4 and Halo 5 come out. I will still probably be playing warframe even when those games are out because the Devs are always adding stuff too do.

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            • Daily bump

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            • Edited by Shiloh Ivy: 7/28/2015 1:56:16 AM
              Warframe. I've been playing Warframe on and off for about a year and a half. I still don't know if I'm a suit or a person in a suit. I don't know why I'm fighting. I don't know who Lotus is. I know very little about what happened to earth or the other planets for that matter. The mod system is convoluted and ever changing. Once you get accustomed to one style, they switch it. Prime Warframe's cost 59.99 and all it does it hold a couple more mods but admittedly looks much better than regular Warframe's. Or grind void keys that seemingly drop from nowhere, and pray that a blueprint drops. Then you have to grind for the materials and the process mentioned in the following paragraph. I don't know what the actual Warframe's are. On the cards, they speak to some as if they are suits and others as if they are people. So am I a person in a suit? A suit? Or the person who wore the suit first? You rarely actually buy weapons, only blueprints. These blueprints call for materials that you must grind, likely from planets you haven't unlocked yet. So you are forced to either do all 14-ish missions on the current planet, which are near impossible solo (or wait for the age old matchmaking) or buy the materials from the store for real money. But if you do manage to get the materials you have to wait ages for the weapon to actually be made in the foundry. Stats are mildly confusing so you are conflicted on whether the weapon you just got is better than your current one. Heavy melee weapons seem so ineffective. Even with the attack boost mod, they are slow as molasses. And don't do much more damage than the quicker melee weapons. Matchmaking takes forever and [i]everyone[/i] speeds through the level. There is no communication. No bonds, no friendships, sometimes I wonder if I'm just playing with NPC's. This rushing style doesn't allow me to collect the needed resources. Customization is limited to only people who buy the platinum. Otherwise every Warframe looks the same except different colors. The bosses, while admittedly unique, are overpowered and take more than one to take down. It's not very clear from the start of the mission how to take down the boss, you just have to learn and out of all the bosses, I can't tell you why we were fighting one. I haven't the slightest clue how to get a sentinel. Not because I'm unable, I'm a level 30 Rhino with level 30 weapons. But because it isn't spelled out how. The early stages of leveling my Kubrow was more like "Defend the Kubrow". My god, the thing is weak in early stages and I found myself defending it more than it was defending me. And now that its in its high level stage, it is a help, but it was a long, long way getting there. All in all, I don't enjoy Warframe. It's boring, confusing, ticky tac, and probably wants your money more than Bungie does. They rehash content (just like Destiny),there is little difference between fighting different races, the same places are used over and over again and I've only seen 4 or 5 different modes for planetary missions. And if you go through the nodes you'll see all three-ish different environments for the planet. 3 environments for 14 missions through 4 or 5 different modes do not an interesting game make. Destiny has its problems, but I'd much, much rather play Destiny than Warframe.

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              7 Replies
              • I've played Warframe a bit, after hunting around for something like Destiny but, you know, different (I just wanted more space warrior fights the bad guys stuff, basically). Warframe struck me as a game with tons of potential, interesting premise, neat ideas, and cool visuals. I'm not a huge fan of the visual aesthetic of the game -- too organic and lumpy for me -- but it is consistent and well-done. The problem is that where the rubber meets the road, I just can't bring myself to like it. It mostly comes down to controls. Destiny has plenty of faults, but one place it most definitely does not have a lot of issues is the tight controls and immediacy of play. Destiny is, in my opinion, a joy to play because the controls are so solid. Warframe, on the other hand, feels clumsy and half-baked. The controls aren't solid, I don't feel like I have an immediate connection to my character, and there are many times where the character does something [i]close[/i] to what I wanted, but not what I wanted. The problem is that with all the potential in the game, it's not fun to physically play the game or engage with the control scheme. Elder Scrolls Online has a very similar problem: Destiny has spoiled me on good controls (and more than that, a good connection between my actions and the character's actions) and nothing else has measured up since.

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                5 Replies
                • I enjoyed warframe but I love planetside 2 way more

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                  3 Replies
                  • Love warframe, and its kinda funny... the "Taken" are the same as corrupted. Also all the "pay to win" comments are completely false. I have 1,500 plat ( in game currency that you CAN pay for, 75 is like 5$) and I have NEVER payed a single dime into the game. I also played alot before Reaper Prime and Latron prime was discontinued and between those I could sell them for like 2k+ more plat. Easy money. so fun to hack people to pieces with reaper prime <3 and Volt prime is my baby <3

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                    • Edited by ImTooHungover: 7/28/2015 12:28:37 AM
                      I played Warframe when it first released....boy was it bad. But it was in Alpha or Beta and was treated a lot like a Greenlight game on Steam. I played it again about a year ago and went back and forth between it and Destiny. Warframe is night and day compared to a couple years ago. And the devs are still reworking their engine to make the game that much better. For example, improving lighting, graphics, and sound. They are also working on a Parkour 2.0 system which is suppose to completely revamp the parkour. And the whole universe is completely flexible to change which is absolutely amazing and intelligent for longevity. Will I say Warframe is currently better than Destiny? Yes. Does Destiny have more potential? I believe so. But I support Digital Extremes ten times over Bungie because of what they have accomplished and how they treat the community. Believe it or not, Destiny has been in development longer than Warframe: First notice of Destiny was in 2009. Warframe started in 2012 sometime but released in 2013 as alpha. They also had a small staff with a lot less budget. So Destiny had plenty of time to learn from competitors.

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                      1 Reply
                      • War frame didn't engage me the way destiny did. I found myself playing war frame for just a few days before deciding destiny was more fun. Maybe I'll revisit war frame after destiny sabotages itself in September.

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                        2 Replies
                        • I played a fair amount of Warframe. I got the Kubrow and the Archwing. Was really excited when I got the wing, but the levels weren't really all that great. In fact, that's the whole game. Basically make stuff and wait 2 weeks or spend money and realized you wasted your money. It's good for novelty, who doesn't like melee weapons and throwing maces that return like Thor's hammer. In the end it's a weak game, and quite different from destiny. I'm not claiming Destiny is all the great, but it definitely is better than warframe

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                          • Edited by Valdorakk: 11/12/2015 2:05:16 AM
                            I started war frame after destiny. It looked like hot garbage. But it seemed to have potential. Then I hit a place where they used the same cookie cutter room twice in a row. I thought game designers grew out of cookie cutter stage design after mass effect 1 and fallout dungeons. Then war frame started quietly hinting at buying the currencies. Say what you want about destiny's pricey DLC packages, at least they don't try to make us buy game currency. Dang it Destiny!!!!

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                            7 Replies
                            • Love warframe.

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                              5 Replies
                              • Warframe is cool but it gets more repetitive and grinding for than destiny if you ask me. Haven't played in a while but correct me if they changed it, but most resources/mods dropped from very specific missions/mobs. There's also absolutely no matchmaking when I stopped playing. Also I wish they added ps4 to pc cross platform play because I have a lot of pc fanatic friends and I'm just console. There's my feedback of the game :\

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                                • Absolutely nothing alike

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