Am I the only one who has grown to accept the fact a gjallarhorn will never drop?. I have a crap ton of Dragon's Breath (8 of them) that I'm about to break down for exotic shards, but I can't get a Gjallarhorn. I've come to accept the fact the I won't get it, and I'm wondering what exotic launcher is to come when the Taken King releases.
Edit: I know I don't have that many raid completions and low grimoire score. My Warlock and Titan are two weeks old, but I've had my hunter since release. Since then I've only had one guardian. And no I'm not complaining. Read my post carefully and read comments.
I came to that conclusion back in February. I accepted the fact that I would never wield such a powerful, iconic piece of awesomeness. I had several legendary launchers that I was leveling so I could remain competitive. My first Nightfall after this Epiphany, it dropped. Have gotten 3 more since, much to chagrin of my clan mates. I had this same realization with Hawkmoon. Soon after I received a play request from a friend doing Crota. Having just landed in the tower, I hurriedly visited the cryptarch, turned in my bounties, and grabbed some heavy from my vault. I was flying in to meet them, the moon's surface still in the background, when up on my screen I see the rewards of Deathsinger. I received 2 shards and, with much excitement saw it - Hawkmoon! I understand I did absolutely nothing to earn it, save join a friend's raid group. This weeks Nightfall granted me a second Hawkmoon. Now, if I could just come to terms that I may never get Truth, it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. TL;DR When u accept the premise that you may never feel the joy of ownership, it shall find you.