Gotta love all the Gjallarhorn users demanding that their crutch not be taken way. Sorry losers but we don't accept your insurance here. But I'm sure if you ask real nice someone will give you a quarter so you can use a shop-vac to clean the beach out of your vag.
Bungie said Gally behaves as intended. Its getting nerfed because crybaby lfg'ers. However Bungie said end game content is designed for premade fireteam. So why nerf Gally if ppl are looking for end game teams instead of just allowing matchmaking?
I just got gally yesterday aften 1300 + hours. I didnt want it to be nerfed before and i dont want it to be nerfed now. Its not a crutch but a nuke. And nukes should be powerfull. If bungie dont want people to be left out of content. They can just make xur sell it.
U are Bungie's crutch mate! How con survive Bungie without all this crybabies???