I recently acquired the queenbreakers bow after finishing a relatively easy and boring elder cipher. I asked my friends on Xbox and watched many YouTube videos to see which weapon I would choose for my first elder cipher. All of the videos pointed me toward lord of wolves. I decided against the ratings and went with queenbreakers bow. My logic was that any serious crucible or pve I wouldn't use any of the elder cipher weapons probably my gjallarhorn for pve and red death for pvp. So I went with the seemingly most fun weapon to use. Turns out queenbreakers bow is an absolute tank in Crucible and not so bad in pve against first tier enemies. I am an absolutely horrific sniper and I 20 kills with only queenbreakers bow on my first round. I was thinking this is surely beginners luck and tried another round. I absolutely wrecked everyone stringing together kill streaks that horrible crucible players like me dream of. So that got me thinking is this weapon over powered? I know most of you are like "ha this weapon stinks" but have you actually tried it? It is the campers dream with a mag size of 6 with 83 rounds in reserve. The only reliable "sniper" that can hip fire accurately. This will be my new control and clash weapon as well as a joy weapon for pve. Let me know what you think.
It's great going up against casuals in PVP but Destiny has SBMM so if you get your stats up you'll quickly see more skilled players will snipe your head off before you charge your QBB most of the time. I just came over to PS4 from Xbox and recently got my QBB and I really enjoy it but it's not OP.