Is your guardian's partner in crime/ sidekick. Post here. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna blow some stuff up lol.
Edit: A lot of funny, and creepy posts lol. Thx for the reads, and keep it up :)
That OCD robot that cleans everything in Wall-E. He's awesome lol.
Mike wazowski.
Allahu Akbar
Angus. He is awesome!
Anger from "Inside Out". Not my favorite, but I can't think of another. Also, walking flamethrower.
Wreck it Ralph
Captain Buzz Lightyear
Your sister
Inb4 title change
#offtopic noob [spoiler]I don't have a favourite I never have favourites[/spoiler]
The Pixar lamp. Boing boing boing boing... wiggle wiggle wiggle bounce and squish. >:3
The evil Dr pork chop
Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible.
Woody Keep on using that whip...
Andys mom
No land beyond
Screw Pixar. Wreck it Ralph FTW
Violet from the incredibles [spoiler]or the underminer from the game that nobody knows about[/spoiler]
No land beyond
No land beyond
Dash from "Incredibles"