Story as in story [i]missions[/i] lol
Being serious this time, I don't ever remember any exclusive story missions. Only exclusive gear, strikes, and pvp maps. I'm pretty sure all story missions are available on any system. Though the actual majority of the 'story' content can only be found on here (bungie.net) if you look at the grimoire cards :)
Is the siege dancers a strike then? That's the only grimoire I can't get because I figured it was a ps mission lol
Yeah, that's the Dust Palace (one of the exclusive strikes that they are remastering with the taken in it when TTK drops). I think you have to beat the strike without dying to get the grimoire card.
Oh word lol well I'm excited
Me too for TTK. Though I've burned myself out a bit (1000+ hours and 6 characters will do that to you in probably any game I'd suspect...) So I've been taking a break playing some Witcher 3 and FFXIV, and probably won't play much Destiny til September. That way when The Taken King drops it'll feel fresh and new all over again!
Yeah I haven't gotten witcher yet lol have halo and destiny and titanfall, but yeah I've made a second Microsoft account and had to start all over so I have like 2500 hours all together, basically I'm ready for new material xD
Damn, and I thought my 1000+ hours was crazy. I play with 3 characters on XB1 and 3 on PS4 since I have various friends that only have one or the other console, not both like me. The gameplay is awesome for Destiny, but yeah the material has gotten a bit stale at the moment. I'm loving Witcher 3 though, such a big world like Skyrim, but the story and characters are so much better and more fleshed out. Combat is really fun and versatile in styles you can choose from too. I don't play too many single player games over again, but after I beat Witcher (getting close) I'll probably set it down til all the DLC comes out (which adds a whole other area expanding the world even more, and is supposed to add another 30+ hours of gameplay) and do one more play through since I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far. It is possible I might get distracted from all the other great games coming out though... No Man's Sky, Kingdom Hearts 3, hell I'm even psyched about Rock Band 4 (since I'll be able to play the 500+ songs I have from the previous games). Then there is Fallout 4, where you'll be able to use the mods created on PC, on your Console, I mean FTW, the replay-ability with that is crazy! There's other games I'm forgetting that I saw during E3, but I'm half asleep right now (6 hours sleep in 3 days will do that to you), so kind of typing stream of thought...