Somehow this turned into a console war.....
Halo: good game, great gameplay, changed console gaming, saved xbox from most likely certain doom. Not however, the end all be all of games. Every single one has pacing issues that ive never gotten past. Roughly halfway through each game everything gets tired/stale for a few hours before picking back up. Gears of war: overrated tech demo, whose tank like movements make resident evil look spry. Each and every game makes me wonder how in the midst of calamity there is a bountiful supply of steroids which also explains the overly twitchy for no particular reason shooting mechanics which are...army of 2 quality at best. Forza: if youve ever driven a car in mud, these controls are for you. Fable: we took a truly creative title, and just imploded it. Signed: an x1 owner still waiting for a game to come out that makes him forget about his ps4 for a while. In the meantime it gets great use as a cable/media box.