Somehow this turned into a console war.....
Why hello to you too!!! What a charming young man, spelling could use some work though
Jade Rabbit
Which halo? Halo 3 was a let down and 4 was just horrible
Wassap!!! XD
Hey everyone out there who just love gaming and have both ps4 and Xbox 1! No such thing as exclusives if you own both, even have a wii u.
Killzone Resistance Ratchet and clank Last of Us Watching Paint Dry (List of things better than halo)
Hey, I can do that too! No Man's Sky Look it up and weep.
Love halo Not a fan of how 343 has been handling it Mcc should have had reach
#xboxmasterrace Psn is full of 12 year olds.
It got boring and convoluted after 3. Reach was decent imo.
Gears is better at least from an adults stand point.
Screw u
Was a decent franchise up to 3, but now feels like MS is dragging it's corpse for as long as they can. At least that's my opinion on it.
Hawkmoon [spoiler]while it was still good[/spoiler]
I am jelly :3 I keep playing Halo 3 with a friend on his XBox360....
Not Beyonce's best track, but definitely top 5
Are you serious? You responded to that equally dumbass post about Hawkmoon? Both of you are disappointments
Hello to you too
Another console war started by xbox players
Hello to you! That was a typo right?...
Or don't be a scrub and buy both fanboy!!!
I use to be a big halo fan. Then it got repetitive just like i use to be a cod fan till it got repetitive. You can have your halo.
Lmao what is it with Xbox players and Halo? I played most of them on my 360 it's great but, why is it the only exclusive that you guys use as an example of a good exclusive?
Could care less about Halo, hence the reason i have PS4