Hey guys, I'm the leader of the Guardians Reloaded Clan on the PS4, we are a very active clan and play allot of crucible, we have members mostly from USA but also UK (me) and Europe, we play mostly at 5-8pm EST, I'm looking to organise a 3v3 sweatys match or even a 6v6 sweatys.
Me and my clan members find it difficult to find any competition in crucible, we go flawless every week in trials and find normal crucible just too easy, we want to find good crucible clans who are serious about playing sweatys, iv come across too many clans who are allot of talk but no action.
I come from a competitive background on Battlefield so clan matches are normal for me, i hope destiny can become more competitive in the future also.
If your serious about playing sweatys on a regular basis please add me on PSN my ID is Sneintzville (you can call me Ville)
I would if I wasn't on vacation but send me friend request and we'll play when I get back