Would it be to enrich the mind? Why would you like to know, my good sir?
Edited by Chikin: 7/24/2015 11:13:25 PMWhat is life but to simply expand upon your knowledge?
Is it not to also touch others and their understanding of the world and its contents? Is it not to enhance, not only your own life, but other's as well?
Edited by Chikin: 7/25/2015 12:56:20 AMYou win.
I win or I win for now? Do you not wish to learn more about each other and our conception of the world and its purpose?
Would it be because there was threats against his person?
Maybe it's because Bush did 9/11?
Was it a raspberry bush?
Why would it be a raspberry bush and not a George Bush?
Wouldn't it make more sense?
And why would you think that? Simply because raspberries are pick able and Bush berries are the cause of 9/11?
Do they have more brains?
Doesn't that depend on the hurricane warnings?
You don't understand what I said?
Would you like to choose a new topic of conversation?
Well why would I want to do that? We're having a wonderful conversation, unless you're having trouble following?
What was our conversation about?
Why are you staying while I leave for one week?
Edited by Chikin: 7/23/2015 11:50:55 AMAre you the OP?
Why would you ask if I am the op?
Why would you ask your original question if you were not the OP?
Well you know what! I'm gonna break this forum post! I'm not the OP! No [b]question[/b] about it!
Of course you are not the OP, why would you impersonate me?
I'm not trying to. I've been thrown into this position and I can't escape