Lol your k/d trumps mine, well I'm gonna assume you're talking about trials seeing as that's where you're whole argument went. None of your characters have above a 1.25, I don't have below a 1.5. You're trash buddy
I think you might be legally retarded or you don't know how to read My Main Titan: 1.57 Your Main Hunter: 1.32 So please explain to me where you got these magic numbers from because the lowest k/d I have is a 1.32
You're actually stupid dude, first you didn't ready full sentence when I said I don't run trials [b]gear[/b]. And now you aren't reading where I said I'm going to talk about trials here seeing as that's where your argument went. That's where I got your k/d, you can't just switch the subjects of an argument it favors you. Trials is the only place I actually try in crucible, I use the no land beyond almost exclusively now and I'm just now starting to get good with it. And if I am trying it'll be in rumble, I'm not gonna sweat with a bunch of ransoms on my team.