Sir! Shall I call the police??
Call the police now!
Will do! Be careful sir! *Runs off to find a phone so I can dial 9-1-1*
The cops ain't gonna do anything! *points weapon at you* Gimme all the hotel food or I shall take over this hotel myself!
*pulls taser out from under desk* Not on my watch.
*shocked for a second* Dats sum boolsheet. Laggg! *shoots up the place*
*hides under desk* *dials 911*
*shuts down all wireless communication via phone* Ha, Watch Dogs boolsheet! *in hotel restaurant, putting all the ham and cheese in heist bag* Ohh yess. All mine!
Too late. They're already on their way.
Fack. *runs out of back of hotel exit, gets in a car with a fake license plate, drives away* Oh yeah, free food!
I'm a big boi! Them shockers ain't gonna do anything to me.