Should you instead be tempted to be as dandy as you can be?
If I were so tempted, would "candy" help make me dandy?
Isn't being dandy a life style, which includes what you choose to consume?
Would it be possible to be as dandy as "Space🌟Dandy"?
Wouldn't that be less dandy than the original type?
Exactly, how dandy, is "dandy" prey tell?
Isn't it as dandy as can be?
If I were to, be all that I can be, could that be called dandy?
Wouldn't you have to do so in a dandy fashion?
If I live dandy, will I be able to figure out why this 5Hour energy shot is taunting me?
Won't you be able to figure out all sorts of things?
Have You Tried 5 Hour Energy Lately?