8hrs a day like it's your career?! Holy crap I want to have your life!
Oh not me man I'm only like rank five, lol
Oh, so while you try and make it sound a rank or two a day 'if you really grind' you see the illogic of your statement? Example: I am a day 1 player, play at an hour or three a day excepting an 8wk break in the middle, I have had DO class item on all three characters long enough to hit rank 48....you don't just get a rank or two a day..you can get a rank or two on reset day alone, just because of the huge rep bonus for the NF/weekly/daily all in one shot, but by the day after, you would literally have to run the beacons on patrol for 8hrs straight to make the next rank...about three ranks a week is above casual level buddy.
I don't see the "illogic" of my statement, no. I was exaggerating, though