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originally posted in:Odin5 Beard
7/21/2015 9:06:01 PM

Odin5 Beard destroys Skolas

Today marked a proud day with in the clan of Odin5 Beard as 4 of our elites took down Bungies newest piece of bullshit.. #Muffin #DMo #Eugenious #Fire Setting out to prove to the servers that we deserve to stand amonst the elite the 4 guardians fought through hell and back in order preserve their place in Valhalla.. Though it seemed like days the journey took a mere 8 hours of hardship and sore thumbs.. In the begining #Muffin #Eugenious #DMo started to destroy the Prison of Elders in search of Skolas only to find that it was not only him they would only be fighting.But to succeed in this venture they had to also punch Bungie in the -blam!-ing mouth. The fight raged on for what seemed liked days , maybe months , i don't really remember but shit was intensely insane. Than at a moments notice the #MistressofStrawberries summoned #DMo to embark on another quest in which he slayed the great green beast. But Odin say favor in his servants and sent #Fire to assist in our hour of need.Setting out with this new ally we managed to slain the thousands of Bungies minions until disaster struck us once more when #Fire was succumbed to great disease known as LAG.After sending #Fire to #Valhalla in a blaze of glory.. Once this had befallen us all hope had seemed lost until #DMo found his way back from beyond the Vail and helped lead the final assault upon Skolas. Using the many techniques passed down from #Muffin the guardians put the boots to Skolas's ass. Running through with only one motto cursing through their veins.. "If I fall im taking everybody down" Quote #Muffin dictated not read. The fight went on for many hours and left us in a disorienting state. At least to the point that #DMo decided to taunt Skolas from inside his magic bubble of protective awesomeness. And at one point #Muffin thought he was the cape crusader. But in the end it was #Eugenious who saved the day by pulling a special skill that only Odin himself has ever pulled off. Therefore insuring victory and proving that the disciples of Odin are note to be trampled with.. As Skolas turned to dust and the sound of grown men weeping for the lose of their sunday. We realized that the fight had only just begun.. So to Bungie we say thus LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR AND MAKE WAY. WE SHALL NOT RUN AND WE WILL NOT COWER.. And we will shove our mighty Lord of Wolves up your tail holes.. Long live Valhalla

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