[b] [/b]
Haha, chemistry joke... I hated that class.
The answer is 6.02e+23
I thought you said hole.
[b] [/b]
*slowly claps*
I showed this to my class in science, and sadly only 2 people got it.
Try putting some Avagadro on it...
I kek'd
Nice meme m80
Ay lmao
fak u gooby
Ayy lmao
I c wut u did thar.
B8 too strong
Gg op isn't fgt.
You win.
*slow clap*
Bam param, bam bam param
Now here, here is some [b][u]NASTY[/u][/b] science http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=10pqeNBg5d0